Don’t Fight It. – IOTW Report

Don’t Fight It.

" Let the forensic audit go, Joe.  Don't Fight It. Show them how honest it was. "

Gateway Pundit:
PURE FIRE: Trump Responds to Joe Biden’s Panicked Flight to Pennsylvania In Fruitless Attempt to Stop Forensic Audit.

If they can’t cheat – They can’t win.

Last week Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano announced he was initiating a full forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election on several Pennsylvania counties.

This news obviously shocked the Democrat state leaders in Pennsylvania.

Late Friday the Pennsylvania Department of State issued a directive prohibiting county election boards from cooperating with the Senate’s election audit.
And then Joe Biden announced he was flying into Philadelphia to push the Democrats’ talking points on voting without confidence. more

14 Comments on Don’t Fight It.

  1. Audit the vote? That’s worse than the civil war.

    Oh, you mean like a crisis, Joe? Suddenly democrats don’t want to seize the opportunity of a crisis? Well hmm, that doesn’t sound right, I wonder why?

  2. Biden may be mentally compromised and deteriorating – he was never much in that department anyway – but what come out of his mouth reflects his beliefs, his intentions, and his values. Biden is not a nice guy or a good person.

  3. “There’s no more fitting place than here today in Gettysburg, to talk about the cost of division. About how much it has cost America in the past, about how much it is costing us now, and about why I believe in this moment, we must come together as a nation.”

    When Biden said these words last October, he knew what sort of election fraud would be committed in his name. Just a few days after his Gettysburg speech, he infamously said, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

    Now, as in the days of Valley Forge, and then at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania may yet again be the turning point which saves our nation. And Mad Joe knows he’ll be on the wrong side of history if the truth wins in the precincts of Pennsylvania. It’s no surprise that the rat who clings to his Scranton myth is lashing out with lies as his whole scam his threatened with exposure. His greatest fear, and that of his WestExec puppeteers, is that we will again come together as a nation.

  4. If I were certain there was nothing…unscrupulous about the election, I would welcome an audit, if nothing else to prove how “fair and honest” it was.

  5. Why hide the truth? Why conceal the facts? Why not let America see what really happened? Why resist? Why block? Why stall? Why not open the lid to the whole of the 2020 presidential election results and let the sun shine in and expose it?

  6. He’s campaigning harder against an audit than he ever campaigned for the office. I wonder why that it is. 🤔 Maybe because, as he said during the election, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”.


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