Don’t give them any ideas! – IOTW Report

Don’t give them any ideas!

It doesnt end.

One mask? no
Two masks? no
Three? no

Freakin’ full body coverings! Come on!

11 Comments on Don’t give them any ideas!

  1. Calling for two masks is admitting that one doesn’t work, IMO.

    I think that could probably be demonstrated statistically by where the concentrations of the positives are and where they are not, but that’s just speculation on my part.

  2. Scared people panic.
    Mostly just run – doesn’t really matter which direction – left – right – middle.

    Too many of us are too mal-educated to know the difference between a threat and a hoax.
    The Chinese Flu was never more than a seasonal outbreak – with a lower fatality – but the Media, armed and directed by the Deep State, turned it into a Terror.
    The panicked sheep ran hither and yon, bleating and baahhing in adrenaline-fueled terror – causing other sheep to run panicked.
    Now we have self-righteous sheep telling other sheep what to do about masking out a virus. Think about that – masking out a virus – it doesn’t get any dumber than that. Fauci’s a panic-monger who needs to be silenced – screaming “Fire!” (when there is no fire) in a crowded theater should still be a crime.

    izlamo delenda est …


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