Don’t have sex with your yoga mat – IOTW Report

Don’t have sex with your yoga mat


As First Word problems go, worrying about how often you should wash your yoga mat is pretty much up there.

Think of it: you’re in the middle of a Half Lord of the Fishes pose and the sweat is pouring off you and you’ve just left a bum-shaped moisture mark where you were sat.

At which point, as the dewy imprint of that pair of crescent moons slowly starts to fade, you need to ask yourself: “Am I okay with leaving that for someone else to salute the sun on?”

You wouldn’t a leave piece of equipment soaked in perspiration at the gym would you? Nope.

And you most definitively wouldn’t disrobe after savasana, take a big whiff your fetid kit and think, “Yeah, that’ll go another week, I reckon.”

Dr David Anthony Greuner, boss of NYC Surgical Associates, warns: “Bacteria can survive on a surface for several hours to days, while viruses can survive longer and even linger for weeks. Making skin contact with a dirty yoga mat covered in germs and bacteria can lead to skin infections, acne, toenail fungus and even transfer of the herpes virus and staph and strep infections in susceptible individuals. That’s the bad news.”


ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on Don’t have sex with your yoga mat

  1. Unless a yoga mat pulls out in front of me on my road king, there is zero chance of my coming in contact with one.
    Apropos of bacteria, I’m not a germ-o-phobe to the Howard Hughes level, but you know, thanks in no small part to multiculturalism, we have people that don’t use toilet paper or observe other standards of hygiene. I behave accordingly by assuming the last person to touch things in public used 2 fingers and a bowl of h2o after their last dump.

  2. that article had absolutely nothing to do with yogi berra.

    but it made my skin crawl, yuppies are so gross.
    and they make fun of rednecks with no teeth.
    well my uncle buck may be toothless but at least he’s not covered in bacteria and viruses from someone else’s sweat.

  3. I don’t care for or about yoga, but people should really stretch in the morning and before sports. Also, if you think those mats are funktastic, imaging the dirty people who use their own mats who don’t clean them, either.

  4. That’s why I rather go in the weeds than use a public toilet seat.

    The ,military helicopter crew that hovered over me and our rental on our way to Mt. St. Helens in the ’90s enjoyed my performance also.

  5. If you want disgusting, think about cash money and restaurant menus.

    I’m a computer tech and I sanitize my hands before and after every keyboard – I don’t want your germs and I don’t want to pass your germs to someone else like a regular Typhoid Mary.

    In my 36-some years experience, it’s the executive-level keyboards that are the filthiest. Sometimes they’re so dirty you can’t see the lettering on the keys. I go through a pocket-size bottle of hand sanitizer every week.

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