Don’t Know How it Happened, But, According to iOTWreport, the Band With the Greatest Harmonies is—- – IOTW Report

Don’t Know How it Happened, But, According to iOTWreport, the Band With the Greatest Harmonies is—-

34 Comments on Don’t Know How it Happened, But, According to iOTWreport, the Band With the Greatest Harmonies is—-

  1. This was a really hard contest from the start. Some people voted for their favorite performers, not based on the harmony. Others voted based on the harmony of more than two voices, or only two.

    Then, some of the ‘contestants’ had different genres, country, pop, summer beach bands, etc.

    When it came down to a hard choice, I sometimes voted for both performers, because I thought they were equally good.

    Sigh. Poor Fur! You have a rowdy bunch of rebels here!

  2. For the record, IMO the Everly Brothers have the greatest 2-part harmony of all time. Watching them live is amazing; they start and stop each phrase perfectly and share the exact phrasing. Their “distance from the mic control” is unparalleled.

    Simon and Garfunkel are a coin flip for me. Their 2-part harmonies are more creative, and Paul Simon’s guitar work is much harder to do while he sings.

    The Beach Boys use their harmonies as an instrument in the ensemble.

    Having said all that, if I voted based on what band I liked, none of them would be on top.

  3. In the final I like the harmonies of the Moody Blues better. Don’t like Simon and Garfunkel even though their harmonies were a little tighter.
    The Moody Blues also had great showmanship, great guitar work and “hip” dance moves. They were just fun.

  4. “For the record, IMO the Everly Brothers have the greatest 2-part harmony of all time”

    There’s the Everly Brothers, and then there’s everyone else. And they are not really my genre.

  5. Sorry but I’ve been busy and didn’t take part but the Moody Blues has always been a favorite of mine since…….well, when they first formed.
    Glad they won.

  6. which begs the question … is a duo (duet?) a ‘band’?

    is Frank & Nancy a band? … the Righteous Brothers?

    … are ‘The Monkeys’ a band?

    questions, questions …

  7. Claudia

    I disagree. I’m the one who entered the country contestants. Harmony is harmony. And quite honestly that’s why I entered them. Great song, great performers, great tune. Great harmonies? Not nearly as good as the Everly Brothers or A Beautiful Day. The contest headed south when people voted for their favorite bands instead of judging just the harmonies. It would be interesting to have Yes sing Kathy’s Clown.
    Ah, what do I know? I don’t know shit about music. I’m just a simple machinist.


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