Don’t Let Her Looks Fool You – IOTW Report

Don’t Let Her Looks Fool You

It almost did for me, nearly passed it by without watching. But something made me listen.

Ok, she’s “weird”, blue hair, tongue piercing, wild eyed over the top performance …

Just listen to what she says.

24 Comments on Don’t Let Her Looks Fool You

  1. I watched Claudia’s link a couple days ago on IG and almost passed it by based on looks. There’s a lot of people waking up. I could give two shits about her language as long as she’s on our side. Bad times are coming. Rasken is telling his base that if it comes to a civil war it would be worth it to keep a legit elected candidate from assuming office. Mean while the the American Propaganda machine is doing their damndest to convince everyone these two have already been elected. Plausible deniability after the big cheat. That’s not going to work this time, and I’ll not judge a fellow patriot based on their language.

  2. “That does it, I’m voting for Harris/ Walz.”

    Hey Boy will be extremely disappointed. Interesting fact, Richard Boone was a direct descendant from Daniel. I love my old westerns.

  3. Good find, Claudia. Common sense from someone who looks like a foot soldier for BLM, Antifa, Palestine or some queer fraction group.

    She’s telling it straight. The left hate women, but too many “okey doke” Demwit feminists think it’s fine they’re been denied a “right to choose” the Democrat candidate to replace Dementia Joe, even if it is a radical left woman.
    Since this doesn’t directly involve their lust for killing off generations of children through abortion, Demwit women don’t have an issue with not having a vote. Hypocrisy is a hallmark of the left.

  4. “Rasken is telling his base that if it comes to a civil war it would be worth it to keep a legit elected candidate from assuming office.” – Brad

    I’d like to know why this isn’t considered planning an insurrection. Fomenting a civil war.

  5. “My email address works”

    Your place is a breath of fresh air for me. I visit daily. You have a damn fine crew. I only do IG because apparently I’m an asshole and have been kicked of Twitter and FB. I really like IG. I’d be more than happy to send you what I find.

  6. I must have been having a flashback to 1968 thinking it was Pat Paulsen. Pat Paulsen for president. We all need to lighten up a little and have a sense of humor. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry or scream at the moon during these trying times, but God is still in charge even if we don’t know what the hell is going on. My best bet is that the democraps have overstepped their bounds and over played their hands and are about to receive their comeuppance in a mighty way that will reveal God’s intervention in a way we can’t even fathom yet.


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