Don’t Let Planned Parenthood Near Children – IOTW Report

Don’t Let Planned Parenthood Near Children


Virginity is a social construct and everyone can create their own definition of what sex is, Planned Parenthood claims.

Planned Parenthood β€” which notably profits from the killing of unborn babies via abortion β€” posted a video to X on Thursday aimed at young people, explaining its definition of virginity and telling young people that they can create their own definition of sex rather than adhere to reality. More

13 Comments on Don’t Let Planned Parenthood Near Children

  1. Unfortunately, Miss Chokesondick wasn’t available, so they got some land whale to be their spokesman instead. Kinda like getting Karen Carpenter to talk about the dangers of over-eating — the subject ain’t their area of expertise.

  2. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you have sex with that thing, you should be aware that there are laws against beastiality.

    Oh if she thought the pink made her look feminine, she needs a hell of a lot more pink.

  3. Who’s going to be the first perv to try to have sex with a grizzly bear, or a whale, or a giant squid? Or a non-animal sex partner, like an iceberg or the top of a giant sequoia tree?

    You’ve got your challenge, pervs, queers, and other warps. Waiting.


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