Images from:
1) PHenry (Ernest T) A rescue kitty that ain’t all there. Why is he named Ernest T? I got a call from a friend that worked at a veterinarian office asking if I would take a kitty that had been run over by a car. I went there and they released him into the room and he bounced off the walls and was a complete spaz. “It’s me It’s me it’s Ernest T.” Why wouldn’t I take him? He got himself lost and we eventually recovered him. He’s my buddy. Definitely high maintenance.
2) NAAC (Logan) I think that I shall never see a Poem as lovely as a tree – unless there’s a cat lying around.
3) NAAC (Kilo) Handsome is as handsome does.
4) Claudia (Sammy) Sure loves warm legs.
5) & 6) Pixabay.com
7) Truckbuddy (Sammy)
Appologies to Truckbuddy! This was supposed to be on last week’s Critter Post (The Nose Knows). I missed it in my emails. So sorry because that is the perfect nose! Give Sammy a smooch from me to tell him I’m sorry!
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
3-19 First Day of Spring- Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Critters with flowers, playing outside or other spring activities.
3-26 Cuteness Makes the World Go Round – We want to see your cutest critter pictures!!!
4-2 I’m In A Reflective Kind of Mood – Critters looking like they are pondering deep thoughts, seeing their reflection, etc.
Many thanks for the wonderful photos you contribute to make this feature a success!
Nice collection!
Great way to kick off the week.
Thanks, Claudia!
Internal clock = stomach.
Always a pleasure to look at…..
The clock says it almost 6 AM PDT but I really know it’s only 5 AM, and I’m wide awake. The only good thing about DST is that the Sun will set just before 7 PM up here at 49 degrees N. in Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho. And the start of baseball season is less than 3 weeks away now. Winter is finally almost over: my tulips are barely pushing above the ground and my maple tree has little tiny buds on it. Come on Spring, I don’t want to see any more snow until Nov. or Dec. again. The other bad thing is that as the snow melts the ground is getting muddy and my blonde border collie Kirby is turning into a giant muddy brown dirt bug.
Sleeping Whales:
(change XXXX to https)
Sunday Critters is a nice bright spot
Love the pic of Sammy.
I’m a cat…
Cats can sleep anytime, anywhere, any place – but curled up on your lap is the best.
This am, they started walking over us – especially on our heads, at 5:30 instead of 4:30. It’ll take them a couple days to get used to the time change.
No worries Claudia, Sammy won’t hold it against you.
If he did it would be cold and wet.