Don’t mess with Omarosa! – IOTW Report

Don’t mess with Omarosa!


Don’t mess with Omarosa Manigault. Because, like President Trump, she will not bullied into submission.


Manigault smacked down BET host Ed Gordon when he got aggressive during a panel discussion at the National Association of Black Journalists conference in New Orleans.

The argument erupted when Gordon, who was moderating the panel, repeatedly trashed President Trump and got snarky with Manigault.

Gordon claimed Trump was promoting police brutality when he joked last month about cops being too easy on violent criminals during arrests.

Gordon kept asking Omarosa if she had spoken to the president about the comments. “I don’t disclose confidential conversations,” said Manigault, who’s the director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison for the Trump administration.

When Gordon wouldn’t let up and kept trashing Trump, Omarosa got annoyed. But when he crossed the line by bringing up her late father and brother (who were murdered in separate incidents not involving the police), Manigault stood up, grabbed a microphone, and shut Gordon down.  read more

17 Comments on Don’t mess with Omarosa!

  1. I used to know black people when I was young, but now they all developed chips on their shoulders.
    They seem constantly pissed.
    It takes a lot of ‘balls’ to be black and go against the politics of most blacks.
    I knew one black family when I was young who were republican. My dads best friend.
    I wanted to date the daughter but her dad said “no way”. Not even a movie.
    I had a lot of respect for him so I didn’t push it.
    She was gorgeous.

  2. It’s easy to tell the blacks that truly have respect for themselves and those that just go along with the noise. The shame is that more blacks don’t support and take the example of those courageous individuals.

  3. Anon. Watch her on “The View” with scatter-brain Bayer and her chickens. Smart and beautiful.
    BTW. Judging from the confusion on stage just proves that the NABJ couldn’t organize a trip to the latrine.

  4. Tony R – I think pronouncing “ask” as “axe” is more of a New Orleans thing than a black thing. I used to think the same way you do until I moved here to La. All the long-time multi-generation white Cajuns that I know say “axe” too.

    I’m an aficionado of Suthren dialects and accents. I hit the mother lode by moving here. There are easily six different New Orleans accents, each changing as you go from one neighborhood of NOLA to just a few blocks away.

  5. @ Mansfield

    “Axe instead of ask” is heard daily in Dallas. On my block. At the store. Everywhere, but not everyone.

    I find it’s a bona fide triple-I tell.

    Instant Ignorance Identifier.

  6. Thank you, Mansfield Lovell for clearing up the, “axe” vs. “ask” issue. Not particually tolerant today of being lumped in with ignorant leftist blacks and their less than accurate pronunciations. Not all blacks say “axe” instead of “ask”. I don’t. We’re not all the same.
    BTW, I’m a conservative who strongly supports the U.S. Constitution and happens to be black. Tony R, try not to generalize and get out more.

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