“Don’t Pay Attention To the Media – I Promise You, This President Will Continue To Make History” – Black Pastors – IOTW Report

“Don’t Pay Attention To the Media – I Promise You, This President Will Continue To Make History” – Black Pastors


The left should be  worried, very worried. Not only did the black pastors say Obama didn’t do anything for the black community, they have tremendous respect for what Trump has done, and faith in what he will continue to do.

12 Comments on “Don’t Pay Attention To the Media – I Promise You, This President Will Continue To Make History” – Black Pastors

  1. I have theory. I welcome your thoughts. MSM is looking for an assassin. MSM is always in unison. If you watch FOX for a month and the tune into CNN you’d swear your living on another planet. Rightfully so. Same goes for any of the MSM. They are amazingly in tune. Combine that with the occasional celebrity calling for Trumps death. Bottom line, they’re playing a game of percentages. Here’s my reasoning. .05% of our population is 16.5 Mil potential assassins. .01 percent is 3.5 million potential assassins. So I’m sayen, MSM is fishing for an assassin. Q seems to agree.

  2. BB — Every president risks assassination. Every one of them. Geoff C. just told me yesterday about a well-known odds-making site (can’t remember if he said the name) where people bet on important things happening. The odds of an attempt are overwhelming for our POTUS. My guess is that if that were to happen — given how very tight his security actually is — that it would be one of those crazy b*stards in the Congress. I also worry about congressional interns like that woman who shouted an expletive at him as he was walking through (the WH?) Capitol Hill, or the person who threw those flags at him. That unnerves me a little. If an attempt is made, I’m certain it will come from within; from someone who has access. I say that because POTUS Trump cannot be controlled through the regular pressures used on past presidents and he insists on calling out the corruption in the Swamp. I’m surprised McCain hasn’t sent him a dead canary yet.

    Not to worry. I’m with that pastor who insists POTUS Trump has the Elijah anointing. And I have my own reasons to believe God’s hand is on him.

  3. Here is a pretty good explanation of the results of Elijah’s “double portion”. See if you can find some of the parallels in what Elijah was able to accomplish and what seem like the miraculous results of our POTUS in a mere year and a half.


    The goal of our Christian founding was to remain a faithful and moral nation because, as John Adams wrote, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” And when one thinks about it, Adams was 100% correct, which is starkly obvious when one looks at the forces at work today in our nation who want to abolish the Constitution, call it a “living” or “outdated” document, and who want to seek a gov’t slave master instead.

  4. Fur, thanks for posting this! I hope everyone makes the time to watch the full round table opening where everyone got a chance to introduce themselves and make remarks about the program the WH is helping to lead. It is truly remarkable.

  5. Time to secede.

    We can’t expect to live side-by-side in peace with liberals anymore than Israelis and Palestinians can.

    Like the pain and misery going on in Europe, it has come here, and the only bloodless solution is permanent separation. Can’t happen? Ever been to Detroit, Baltimore, California? It’s already happening and has been for decades. Just make it official and final.

  6. Above all else Trumps wild popularity is due to his courage. People are so used to seeing republicans shrink back when their opposites get loud and confront them. Not Trump, if you slap him he knocks your teeth out.

  7. @BB
    It makes sense, they’ve already shot congressmen playing ball. I wouldn’t put anything past them given today’s atmosphere.
    I wonder what is going to touch off an overwhelming push back. That would sure do it.

  8. @ AbigailAdams
    I agree with your second post (and first and third also). As I posted in the “Make ____ ____ Again” hat article, “Make God God Again” and “Make America Righteous Again”. America was God’s blessing to the world. He has given us President Trump as a respite to fortify ourselves spiritually and environmentally.

    God gave King Asa 10 years of rest so he took that time to fortify the cities in Judah for what was coming. Same thing is happening now.

  9. @Mithrandir August 3, 2018 at 6:59 am

    > It’s already happening and has been for decades. Just make it official and final.

    They’ll never take their hands out of your pockets.
    Not even over your cold dead body.
    So what do you think it will take?

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