AWD: It’s quite clear to all who aren’t trapped inside the prison of political correct stupidity that there are only two outcomes for England, Europe, America and Western Civilization. Capitulation or war.

Corrupt western politicians have flooded Europe and America with Muslims from Africa and the Middle East. And, as history proves, violence and death soon follow wherever Muslims tread.

Why have millions of Muslims been imported into the West? Ask the politicians. But you better believe they have sold out their countrymen for money and power. There needs to be a consequence for that. And I believe that one day there will.

As for England? Everyone today is praying for peace. That’s akin to praying to win the lottery.
Ain’t gonna happen. Not as long as Muslims are present.

England finds itself in a new era. They can sit back and accept Islamic terrorism and rule or they can fight. Since England doesn’t allow citizens to own firearms, the English must utilize instruments of death at hand to defend themselves. How sad that during the latest terrorist murders on London Bridge, victims had to use chairs to defend themselves against the savage terrorists armed with knives. The unarmed police are rumored to have run away. more here


  1. Defending yourself in England is outlawed.

    They are phuckered.

    I think the french tunnel just accelerated the

    We’re not gonna go back, there’s no ROE you could write for
    that. Just phucking kill everybody.

  2. What happened to them? They fought so bravely and so well in WWII to protect their homeland and their way of life. Just giving it up now. Mass insanity?

  3. When you are completely disarmed, raised on Lefty multiculti in government schools, have absolutely no political leadership from the major parties, and free speech itself is illegal even online, you have no chance.

    Britain is also now a high tech surveillance beyond state beyond Orwell’s worst nightmares. Cameras everywhere.
    Not much room to maneuver.

    Teddy bears and votive candles. To be followed by rivers of innocent blood.

    This must not happen here.

  4. What happened to them is what happened to us, just on a larger scale. The implementation of the Frankfurt School of marxist indoctrination at the university level gradually introduced all the way down into preschool level.
    Muslim brotherhood infiltration into our govt. It’s a double whammy.

    We have but one opportunity to try and right the ship and God forbid a one term Trump presidency would be nearly impossible, 2 terms may turn it around.
    The Trump admin needs to roll full steam ahead beginning w designating MB as a terrorist org and states need to cut federal funding to state schools that violate 1A and civil rights (protections BTW aren’t just for black folks).

  5. I have posited the proposition that, from the Boer Wars to the end of World War II, the very manhood of Great Britain has been extinguished.
    A nation, any nation, requires a certain “critical mass” of manhood – adventurousness, ferocity – if you will – to establish and maintain its position among the nations. When that is gone, whether through defeat at the hands of foreigners or through ennui, that nation sinks, slowly if great, quickly if not, into a France-like condition of hollowness, falsity, prickly pride in its lost past, and a mis-placed sense of its importance. Western Europe, “Old Europe,” has become such a place. A continent of lassitude, surrender, fatalism, nihilism, perversity, and surprisingly, self-flagellation at the hands of those adopted elements who used to be subservient.
    They import their executioners and wring their hands over their submission all the while chastising others for not embracing their debilitating condition.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. makes one wonder why any politician would want to import so many problem aliens to their country ?

    what’s in it for them to terrorize their fellow citizens with proxy terrorists by importing muslims ?

    ever notice that these terrorist muslims never terrorize the political classes in the western countries they are over running ?
    they murder any of their own politicians in their own countries, but not in their “adopted” homelands.

    it just doesn’t add up.

    unless, as a civilization, western civilization has become very peaceful, mundane,, most social problems are disappearing, longer life expectancies, in general less dire problems for politicians to solve for the citizens, so are politicians doing this to create a need for them to act on our behalf ?

  7. Sort of OT–I just saw on my FB timeline someone posted “We Stand With London” and “Peace and Reconciliation Are the Answer”
    I’ll just leave that right here for the rest of you to become nauseous. The comments above address what really needs to be done. Unfortunately, Europe is a glimpse into our future.

  8. Bill – – the politicians are being paid off and blackmailed, the banks want new customers, and the women are attracted to and want to be dominated by “real men” (though they never will admit it).

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