Don’t think socialism is the path to communism? You’re an idiot – IOTW Report

Don’t think socialism is the path to communism? You’re an idiot

ht/ billy fuster

20 Comments on Don’t think socialism is the path to communism? You’re an idiot

  1. You only have to be slightly familiar with history to know this, but you do have to care about this fact to remember it and bring it up when relevant.

    That leaves out all the lefties. On both points.

  2. Fur, I just had the most benign comment nixed by your new Twitter-esque censoring software.

    What gives? At least give us an explanation and rules of engagement, so we don’t take the time and effort to make a comment only to have it censored when we hit “post comment”

  3. “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”
    “National Socialism”
    “People’s Republic of China”

    Socialism isn’t a road to communism – it is the rightful name of communism.

    Socialists always use dissimulation, lies, mendacities, deceit, and ambiguation to further their designs and conquests.

    Check out the “Parties” who comprised the “Republicans” of the Spanish Civil War:

    UR (Unión Republicana – Republican Union): Led by Diego Martínez Barrio, formed in 1934 by members of the PRR, who had resigned in objection to Alejandro Lerroux’s coalition with the CEDA. It drew its main support from skilled workers and progressive businessmen.
    IR (Izquierda Republicana – Republican Left): Led by former Prime Minister Manuel Azaña after his Republican Action party merged with Santiago Casares Quiroga’s Galician independence party and the Radical Socialist Republican Party (PRRS). It drew its support from skilled workers, small businessmen, and civil servants. Azaña led the Popular Front and became president of Spain. The IR formed the bulk of the first government after the Popular Front victory with members of the UR and the ERC.
    ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya – Republican Left of Catalonia): Created from the merging of the separatist Estat Català (Catalan State) and the Catalan Republican Party in 1931. It controlled the autonomous government of Catalonia during the republican period. Throughout the war it was led by Lluís Companys, also president of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
    PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español – Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party): Formed in 1879, its alliance with Acción Republicana in municipal elections in 1931 saw a landslide victory that led to the King’s abdication and the creation of the Second Republic. The two parties won the subsequent general election, but the PSOE left the coalition in 1933. At the time of the Civil War, the PSOE was split between a right wing under Indalecio Prieto and Juan Negrín, and a left wing under Largo Caballero. Following the Popular Front victory, it was the second largest party in the Cortes, after the CEDA. It supported the ministries of Azaña and Quiroga, but did not actively participate until the Civil War began. It had majority support amongst urban manual workers.
    UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores – General Union of Workers): The socialist trade union. The UGT was formally linked to the PSOE, and the bulk of the union followed Caballero.
    Federacion de Juventudes Socialistas (Federation of Socialist Youth)
    PSUC (Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya – Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia): An alliance of various socialist parties in Catalonia, formed in the summer of 1936, controlled by the PCE.
    JSU (Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas – Unified Socialist Youth): Militant youth group formed by the merger of the Socialist and the Communist youth groups. Its leader, Santiago Carrillo, came from the Socialist Youth, but had secretly joined the Communist Youth prior to merger, and the group was soon dominated by the PCE.
    PCE (Partido Comunista de España – Communist Party of Spain): Led by José Díaz in the Civil War, it had been a minor party during the early years of the Republic, but grew in importance during the war.
    POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista – Worker’s Party of Marxist Unification): An anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist party of former Trotskyists formed in 1935 by Andreu Nin.
    JCI (Juventud Comunista Ibérica – Iberian Communist Youth): the POUM’s youth movement.
    PS (Partido Sindicalista – Syndicalist Party): a moderate splinter group of CNT.
    Unión Militar Republicana Antifascista (Republican Anti-fascist Military Union): Formed by military officers in opposition to the Unión Militar Española.
    Anarchist groups. The anarchists boycotted the 1936 Cortes election and initially opposed the Popular Front government, but joined during the Civil War when Largo Caballero became Prime Minister.
    CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo – National Confederation of Labour): The confederation of anarcho-syndicalist trade unions.
    FAI (Federación Anarquista Ibérica – Iberian Anarchist Federation): The federation of anarchist groups, very active in the Republican militias.
    Mujeres Libres (Free Women): The anarchist feminist organisation.
    FIJL (Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias – Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth)
    Catalan nationalists.
    Estat Català (Catalan State): Catalan separatist party created back in 1922. Founding part of ERC in 1931, it sided with the Republican faction during the war.
    Basque nationalists.
    PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco – Basque Nationalist Party): A Catholic Christian Democrat party under José Antonio Aguirre, which campaigned for greater autonomy or independence for the Basque region. Held seats in the Cortes and supported the Popular Front government before and during the Civil War. Put its religious disagreement with the Popular Front aside for a promised Basque autonomy.
    ANV (Acción Nacionalista Vasca – Basque Nationalist Action): A leftist Socialist party, which at the same time campaigned for independence of the Basque region.
    STV (Solidaridad de Trabajadores Vascos – Basque Workers’ Solidarity): A trade union in the Basque region, with a Catholic clerical tradition combined with moderate socialist tendencies.
    SRI (Socorro Rojo Internacional – International Red Aid): Communist organization allied with the Comintern that provided considerable aid to Republican civilians and soldiers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Well, what the heck?
    I didn’t re-send (or I don’t think I did) after my comment to Stirrin the Pot.
    Must be a wrinkle in the Space-Time Continuum.

    izlamo delenda est …

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