“Don’t Try To Find Me Because You Won’t” – They Found the Leftwing Loon And They Put Him in Jail – IOTW Report

“Don’t Try To Find Me Because You Won’t” – They Found the Leftwing Loon And They Put Him in Jail

An old leftwing dirtbag called Florida congressman Brian Mast’s office and said he was going to kidnap his 3 children and murder them.

He boasted he wouldn’t be found.

It’s easy to sniff out a leftist dirtbag. The bloodhounds just have to pick up the scent of “dumb, lazy ass, freeloading, America-last, ass” and they are found in minutes.


21 Comments on “Don’t Try To Find Me Because You Won’t” – They Found the Leftwing Loon And They Put Him in Jail

  1. “Friends of Key’s call him a ‘gentle soul’ and do not believe he would ever hurt anyone.”

    Oh fuck off, “Friends of Key”. You assholes are probably the ones that were egging him on to do this. Remember what your mama told you? Your friends are the reflection of yourself.

  2. From wiki…
    “Brian Mast is an American politician and United States Army veteran who serves as the U.S. representative for Florida’s 18th congressional district. He is a member of the Republican Party.”

    The perp ‘A man from Stuart, Florida’.
    Possibly stoked by malicious media fake news

  3. “Gentle soul who wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

    Being as Utopian stateists live in a parallel universe where black is white, good is bad, up is down, boys are girls and on and on that statement can probably be considered in that light and give us a pretty fair indication of what the wicked and evil sonofabitch is not only capable of, but far more likely than not to have been up to.

  4. To that “old leftwing dirtbag:” President Trump called and said he’s going to have your head blown clean off – after a fair trail in front of jury of your leftist peers, of course.

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