Don’t Vote Early – IOTW Report

Don’t Vote Early

Skip Coryell is a CPL instructor whose recent podcast included Michigan county sheriff, Dar Leaf, and a Cybersecurity expert, Mark Cook, on as guests to talk about election integrity.

Mark Cook talked about how, with computers and the internet, the deep state has stolen the elections. He also said that in person voting ON ELECTION DAY makes it harder for people to make up fake votes. Also, if you are registered to vote but don’t vote, they can use your registration to add more fake votes.

He said to NOT vote early as it gives them the number of fake votes that will be needed to steal the election.

Listen to the podcast starting at 12:10 and ends at 31:50.

Podcast HERE.

26 Comments on Don’t Vote Early

  1. Suggestion: If you live in a state where you can request a mail-in ballot and then track it online, as we can here in Florida, go ahead and request the ballot. Check daily and you should see first that the request got through, second that it was mailed to you.

    When it arrives, don’t use it. Keep checking daily to make sure the ballot hasn’t been marked as being cast. If it has, contact your county and state election honchos and tell them you can prove you’re the victim of voter fraud because you have in your possession a ballot their records show was counted.

    Then vote on the regular election day. In FL, we take the mailer in to the polling place, hand it to the clerk who marks it SPOILED and puts it in a special bag, and then you get a regular ballot just like everyone else.

  2. Michigan only has a form of tracking available for a limited time. Not even sure if they will continue to do it as they’re such radical leftists. You need the name, month and yr of birth

  3. MI doesn’t really have tracking available to check absentee ballots, they have had a voter information page where you can check your voting history, I think. Anyone from MI who can recall what they have? Maybe the bitches have changed it all by now

  4. I happened to be listening to Seb Gorka’s radio show fairly recently and he thoroughly chastised a caller who said to vote on Election Day. Seb’s take was to vote early and get your ballot in as so many precincts can pull the old “our machines are down” kind of thing.

    I don’t know. I vote in person on the day of.

  5. Clever strategy, Uncle Al. Sounds like you’ve worked as an election official in some capacity at a precinct. Most voters don’t know that much about the absentee voting process in their state.

  6. Seems like election integrity groups will need the Qualified voter files for the date of election. If the number of votes surpass this then we will know. It will be a lot of work after election if dems ‘win’

  7. @99th Squad Leader — I have been both a poll worker (working for the county supervisor of elections), specifically polling place deputy, and as a poll watcher (working for the Republican Party and candidates). Both are low-level functions but I do get to see one part of the operation. I’m trying to get on the poll watcher rolls for the tabulation center where they handle absentee/mail-in ballots.

  8. In my county there was a slate of MAGA candidates running for a variety of county level positions.

    They all lost and in a county that is as red as they come.

    One of the positions up for reelection was the Supervisor of Elections. She wasn’t running on a MAGA platform but she won.

    We have met the enemy and he is us.

  9. I was election worker 2018 MI in Absentee Voter Counting Board “AVCB” and I first was assigned to open all the envelopes with a small machine that would I guess slit the tops. I am not sure what was done with them prior to my getting them but the voter signature was on the outside back if I’m not mistaken. Anybody know? Next someone pulled out the middles that were the ballots in “privacy sleeves” or something? other people did specific things like checking? I am not sure, but later when all opened I was switched to removing ballots from privacy sleeves and flattening out and I recall that every now and then there would be a stretch of ballots that were marked for Biden only (there were other things to vote for on the fronts that on these attention-getting ballots that were left blank) There would be around ten at a stretch. Then it would go back to normal with a long stretch of various then this thing would come back. After the election I told our clerk about this on the phone and she said nothing. The ballots had been removed from the outer envelopes so who did those ballots was complete mystery then. Maybe they legit but seemed odd. Later in the process fellow election worker was feeding them into the Dominion machine upside down which shocked me! I was like why are you doing that? and she said it’s counting them and the counter was moving. Couple years later we had an update training with the head of our county, county clerk and I asked if those machines read ballots upside down and she said YES. I didn’t think to ask but there’s actually FOUR ways they can be fed in and I bet they are sophisticated enough to read then any old way they are inserted. I hate Dominion!!! Don’t know if working again, will see if I get a call. They get people trained that are never called.

  10. Wasn’t it Arizona in 2022 that had voting machines in red counties mysteriously “break down” on election day, causing hundreds (maybe thousands) of voters to get turned away when they wouldn’t extend the voting time cutoff? Maybe better to do early voting on the last day, or follow Uncle Al’s advice. If you vote on election day, get there early, I guess.

  11. Very cool, Uncle Al. I figured you had experience “working the polls” (smile). I also routinely serve as a poll worker/precinct official – as a judge on election day and asst. site coordinator during early voting for the Board of Elections in my county.

    Have yet to be a poll observer for the Republican party, but as a poll worker it’s expected to report issues to the Chief Judge or Site Coordinator and/or Board of Elections.

    Everything you mentioned to process an absentee ballot/vote is the same for North Carolina, which has a great record of election integrity.

  12. Well if the information is correct that I’ve been watching and reading it won’t matter when you vote. They polluted the voter rolls with up to 20 million illegals. With no way to distinguish between a natural born citizen and an invader.

  13. @dee — Dunno if anyone’s still checking this thread, but…

    In FL, the envelopes have bar codes identifying voter. Note that ballots inside do NOT have such tracking codes.

    Ballot arrives and it’s checked to be sure it’s sealed and signed and dated.

    Sealed envelope goes to poll inspector at computer station who scans the code and pulls up voter information, specifically name and signature, plus eligibility.

    Inspector checks signature on envelope to be sure it matches signature on file. If it doesn’t, it goes to canvasing adjudicator. That’s a whole different ball game then.

    Assuming the signatures match and all is well with eligibility, the envelope is opened and the ballot (in “security sleeve”) is removed. The envelope and the ballot are separated at this point and never see each other again. At this point there’s no way to match the ballot back to the envelope with the voter’s identity info.

    Envelopes are securely stored.

    Ballots are batched with date/time and count, and then go to scanner/tabulators where the votes are counted.

    Ballots are securely stored.

    Different states have different procedures. The above is Florida’s and at least some others. I’m not familiar with other states, I’ve only done this stuff here in Sarasota County.

  14. @dee
    From what you described the absentee ballots were handled correctly. Absentee ballots in most states are reviewed and validated by a Board or Supervisor of Elections to make sure they’re signed, voter info is correct, dated and witnessed property before opened.

    Not unusual for voters to submit blank ballots or just vote for only one race or only the presidential race. Inserting the ballots into the tabulator doesn’t depend on how its inserted. The tabulator can read the ballot.

    Tabulators are NOT supposed to be hooked up to the internet, then it’s a “Dominion” problem. The other problem comes in with corrupt states allowing more ballots than registered voters being counted and allowing illegals to vote. These are the more common issues plaguing our elections.

    Please consider continuing to be involved in the election process. Poll watchers are desperately needed, especially Republican observers. Whatever you choose to do, just know it’s worth the effort to help secure election integrity through civic duty.

  15. We’ll know if this is true if the some Detroit traffic judge gets to delay the vote counting for a month and every fed court in the country acts like there is nothing they can fucking do about it. And, then, “miraculously”, Kneepads wins.


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