Don’t wanna jinx em… but….. – IOTW Report

Don’t wanna jinx em… but…..

My Metties are currently the best team in baseball. Let me brag and gloat a bit. Mets fans don’t get to do that that often.

Their record isn’t the best in baseball, but they simply are the team to beat right now. They probably have one of the best starting rotations in the history of baseball, and their hitting right now is more than adequate to beat any team as long as the limit the other team to 3 runs, which they usually do.

When the Mets score 4 runs or better they’ve only lost 8 times all year.

When David Wright comes back the Mets will be unbeatable.

/gloat off.

52 Comments on Don’t wanna jinx em… but…..

  1. The Mets should have no problem winning the Eastern division this year because there are little league teams better than most of the division.

    And they could always coax Bobby Cox out of retirement to make a great pitching staff completely irrelevant in the playoffs like he did for so many years with the Braves..

  2. Ay yi yi.
    You don’t look at the standings and say “we’re ahead, we’re better.”
    Baseball doesn’t work that way.
    You look at the team, how they are performing in the last 20 games, their upcoming schedule, etc.

    Have you seen a horse race? Have you seen your horse in front but being closed on by a fresher horse going faster than yours at that point in time?

    That’s what is happening here. The Mets are the fast fresh horse.

    Best pitching staff in baseball, and they just upgraded their offense, seemingly tenfold.

    Other teams have not improved. Mets have.

    5 game series a team has to face deGrom, Harvey, Syndergaard and by the time the post season comes around Steve Matz.
    That’s a 25 year rotation. Baseball sees that rotation once every 25 years.

    Most teams won’t get to game 4.

    I stand by my assessment.
    If you feel comfortable judging the Mets by their first 81 games, you do so at your own peril.

  3. “My Metties are currently the best team in baseball.”
    I think you meant to say IN the National League.
    In the AL east, Toronto is in first place with 64 wins and a .552 PCT. They’ve got an 11 game win streak going.
    Just sayin’.

  4. The 1988 Mets rotation is largely considered the 3rd best pitching staff of all time (all stats combined.)

    Ron Darling, who broadcasts for the Mets, says this rotation is better, not even close.
    When Steve Matz gets back it is going to be very hard for any team to compete.

    The Cardinals have a comparable staff, now.
    The Mets are deeper.

  5. But what happens if there are injuries, dead bats, errors in the field?

    Don’t care how they’ve performed and their upcoming schedule. Way too many variables to make this claim with so many weeks left in the schedule.

    And I apply those comments to every team in the hunt.

  6. That’s NOT how you assess a team, by looking at a snapshot of the standings on August 13th.

    It doesn’t work that way.
    That’s like looking at a horse race at the 1/2 mile post and saying the horse in the lead is the best horse in the race.

  7. Way too many variables to make this claim with so many weeks left in the schedule.___

    Yes, and it’s the many weeks left to the season that is going to work against every other team in baseball because the Mets are currently fielding the best team in baseball day in and day out.

    That is not an “out of bounds, wacky way of looking at things.”
    That’s exactly how you look at things.

    The Mets are like night and day compared to the team they fielded in June. It’s a different team, and it’s better than the Pirates, or the Cardinals, or the Dodgers, or any other team you care to name.

  8. I said in the ORIGINAL POST “Their record isn’t the best in baseball, but they simply are the team to beat right now.”

    Why play the playoffs or the world series?
    Simply anoint the team with the best record after 162 games the trophy.

    And for that matter, on August 13th we are going to declare the team with the best record the trophy.

    The team with the best record on August 13th might not be the best team in baseball. Everyone knows that.

    what happened?
    What happened is THEY WERE NOT THE BEST TEAM. Their record falsely said they were, but I knew they weren’t.

  9. You said “in the history of baseball.” Not “in the history of the Amazins.” I could post innumerable historically better pitching staffs far better than the current Amazins.

    But – I’ll bet you the Amazins don’t get into the 2nd round of the playoffs – assuming (wildly) they manage to hang on & get to the playoffs.

  10. OK, I am going to let you guys in on my brilliant
    Pay attention.

    In 1973 Secratariat won the Triple Crown.
    In 1973The Mets lost in the World Series to The Oakland A’holes.

    This year American Pharoah won the Triple Crown.
    Therefore the American League team will beat The Mets in six games.

    Sorry Fur 🙁

  11. Yes, I said they have ONE OF THE BEST starting rotations in the history of baseball. And a member of what is considered the 3rd best staff in the history of baseball assessed this staff as better.

  12. I’m confident in my assessment –

    Premier scouts assess the Mets-

    Mets (pitcher, composite rank): Matt Harvey 1, Jacob de Grom 1, Noah Syndergaard 1.5, Jon Niese 4, Steven Matz 2, Zack Wheeler 2

    So those are the grades — basically three No. 1 starters, two No. 2s and a No. 4. But Matz and Wheeler both got billed by at least one scout as future No. 1s. So do that math. Now here is how those scouts justified those rankings:

    Harvey: “Has the stuff and nastiness to be dominating. … He’s got that game face. He’s got that edge. I can’t believe how well he’s throwing coming off Tommy John surgery. And he’s probably still 10 to 15 percent away from where he’s going to be.”

    deGrom: “At this point, he’s the best pitcher they have. I like him more than Harvey. … He was already extremely athletic and able to execute pitches. But you can see he’s become more confident. His velocity is creeping up. And he’s gotten even better.”

    Syndergaard: “The way he’s thrown lately, he’s the most nasty of all of them. He dominates you with that country hardball. And he’s learning to use his breaking balls. … I haven’t seen the feel for the changeup. So for me, he’s a 2. I’ve heard people say they’d put him ahead of Harvey. But for me, he’s the third guy on their list.”

    Niese: “He’s not in the group with those other guys. But they may need him to fit in the middle of that rotation, to screw up the hitters’ timing.”

    Matz: “He might be a tick behind those other guys, but not that far. He doesn’t get it up to 98 or 99, but he sits in the mid-90s with a nasty breaking ball. He fits right in with that group.”

    Wheeler: “I always thought he’d be A.J. Burnett at his best, with that long, fluid delivery and then boom — that explosive stuff. But what goes with it is, he’s up at times and he doesn’t give you that consistent ability to command the ball.”

    As dazzling as those reviews may be individually, though, it’s seeing all these future aces together, wearing the same uniform, that sets them apart from, well, everybody.

    “You watch Harvey pitch, and you say, ‘Boy, I’d love to have that guy,'” said one scout who just watched this rotation do its thing. “Then you see deGrom the next night, and it gets better. And then you see the freak [Syndergaard], and you say, ‘Oh my God.’ When do you ever see all those No. 1s back-to-back like that?”

  13. It could be worse, you could be a die hard Seattle Mariners fan like me. But Iwakuma did pitch a 3-0 no hitter against the Baltimore Orioles yesterday. Great game, listened to it on the radio while I was driving. We need more day games in MLB besides Wed. and weekends. And I still bleed Dodger blue, but da bums will again find a way to choke against the Giants or the Cardinals again this year like always.

  14. I grew up in the shadow of Shea Stadium. When asked, I say there are only two teams I root for, “The Mets and whoever is playing the Red Sox.” My family and I were at the final game in Shea. (Too bad the Mets lost. (Sigh…)) All I can say is… Let’s Go Mets!

  15. BFH,

    Did you forget, in making your claim, that the Cardinals have beaten the Mets 4 out of seven times in 2015? Doing so with out their Ace pitcher, Adam Wainwright, or two of their best hitters, Holliday and Adams in three of the match ups?

    If win/loss records don’t mean anything, as you seem to be implying, why play the season? Just let the east coast sports writers declare who is the best team and be done with it.

    Sorry BFH, I have to disagree with your contention, the facts just do not support your dream.

  16. I never said win/loss never meant anything. I said you don’t look at win/loss in early August and say the teams in first place are the best in baseball.
    That is ridiculous.

    I said the Mets were the best team setting foot on a baseball diamond, regardless of their win/loss record, at the time I made my prediction.

    What’s the Mets’ record now?

    With 20 games to go only 1 team has a better record than the Mets in the American League and and only 2 teams have a better record in the National League.

    Looks like if this is a horse race the Mets are gaining amazing ground on everyone. No?

    I guess that means when everyone was pointing and laughing when I made my statement they really had no idea that I knew exactly what I was talking about.

  17. When the Mets played the Cardinals they were not the team they became in August. That was the entire point of my post.

    The Mets were without Wright, D’arnaud and Lagares, at the time.
    They also didn’t have Cespedes, Kelly Johnson, or Juan Uribe.

    Matt Holliday is done.
    We’ll see Adams tomorrow.
    And suddenly the Cardinals’ ERA has nearly doubled since I made this post. So, ya, Wainwright would help the fading Cardinals.

    I stand by my prediction.
    And my prediction was pretty bold, considering the laughter I received.

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