Don’t Want To Cover a School Shooting If It Means Battling the Left With the Same Arguments – IOTW Report

Don’t Want To Cover a School Shooting If It Means Battling the Left With the Same Arguments

At this point in time, regardless of your view on guns, you gotta ask yourself, “Why are kids killing their classmates”. – Bad Brad

Yes, there was a school shooting today. Yes, there were fatalities. Yes, a gun was used by some unstable kid.

No, it does not mean guns are the problem. There were plenty of guns in this country 60 years ago. The difference now is that the culture has changed for the worse, and largely because the left has been in charge of education, pop culture and the media.

These shootings are the result of leftist policy, not guns. Guns weren’t invented 25 years ago.


58 Comments on Don’t Want To Cover a School Shooting If It Means Battling the Left With the Same Arguments

  1. NBC reported that while the incident was taking place, a guy walked down the street near the school waving a flag, wearing a Trump hat and, I believe, with a gun on his hip, ranting.

    Maybe it’s true. But it’s the kind of thing that makes me go hmmmmmm.

  2. Here…does this make sense to you?

    “While the drama was unfolding, a flag-toting man wearing a Make America Great cap and a pistol by his side suddenly appeared outside the school. He was immediately stopped by police.

    “This idiot is walking down the street with a pistol by his side,” one outraged man told the local affiliate. “I believe in the second amendment. But this is a crime scene… this is a slap in the face.”

  3. I’ve been battling them today. Pointless. At this point in time, regardless of your view on guns, you gotta ask your self, “Why are kids killing their classmates”. There’s something seriously F’ed up here. And it has nothing to do with guns. It’s reaching epidemic proportions.

  4. Sources said that Pagourtzis had at least three weapons with him: a shotgun, an assault-style rifle, and a pistol.

    How convenient.
    Pray for the victims.

  5. I really need to start that business. Grieve On The Go.
    Get a van. Fill it with teddy bears, balloons, candles and flowers. Be prepared to rush from crime scene to crime scene. Until the criminal culture and mental illness issues are dealt with, it could be quite lucrative.


  6. There is something else afoot here…This may be higher than the shooter himself. The liberals are going to employ every trick in the book to win this november, so they can start passing mass gun control.

    Start stocking up, folks. This is only the beginning.

  7. @PHenry, “ Grieve N Go”. Brilliant.

    People can click online for a $5, $10, etc donation & have their names included.
    Virtue signaling the easy way!

    Don’t forget the GOFUNDME and Patreon accounts.

  8. I think the left should wait to see who in the police department and the school system gets fired or placed on leave for letting that asshole slip through. Hopefully Texas will handle this less comically than Florida did.

  9. Okay sports fans, I sent what’s below to “Mr. Big” about the same time that this one got started…

    I have no solutions, but perhaps have many questions.

    It would seem that I’m waking up to or seeing the ongoing reporting of “school shootings” or at least ongoing coverage of those that are not ended by someone else with a gun. Growing up in the fifties and sixties I don’t recall that there was what would seem to be the never-ending cycle of violence, harsh vitriol and the victim mentally that we would seem to see exhibited or even celebrated in an ongoing basis today.

    Did something change? Are things the same, but the twenty-four hour news cycle, internet and better coverage showing us what might have existed even back then without it being common knowledge? Has anyone offered up any real solutions rather than pointing fingers? So whether it has gotten worse or it’s the same, where is the outcry for the start of any solutions by anyone not running for elected office or playing the “blame game?”

    Who has the theorem to give us a corollary? (Fourteen dollar words from someone functioning with a nickel brain.) That’s why I come to you. I’m not offering any solutions, but hoping that if somebody out there starts and CONTINUES the conversation there might be something worth pursuing. How does that get started, what would cause it to happen and perhaps unite or bring together enough minds to address the issue? My experience tells me that there is one emotion might help here. FEAR! That’s the emotion that drives us most often for some resolution to a problem. Add a common enemy to that and maybe we have something uniting enough to put forth a few ideas instead of placing blame. What will it take to make us sufficiently afraid?

    Often accused of being to negative and/or spending to much time looking at one internet sight or another. Maybe I haven’t spent enough time and there’s been a solution or idea offered up here or there. So that’s the challenge, start the conversation…

    I’ll be listening…

  10. Hadn’t heard the news yet. Hard core leftist came over, stuck her finger in my face and told the story as she cursed the NRA. Asked her if this shooter was an NRA member. Let her know every mass shooter so far has been a radical leftist, mentally ill, and democrat who should never have been allowed to go near a gun. Probably not going to get a Christmas card from her now.

  11. The new rallying cry should be “Harden the Targets.” Disarming everyone indiscriminately is a stupid, ineffective, and evil idea, and, frankly, that’s all the faggoty-assed left wants. People need empowerment; not more restrictions to their God given rights.

    1. Tear down every “Gun Free Zone” sign.

    2. Allow qualified teachers to be armed and trained for defense.

    3. Allow schools to develop effective plans for quick lockdowns and proper defenses.

    4. Encourage strength in children in the face of danger instead of encouraging them to be sobbing, hysterical crybabies when things go sideways.

    5. Make it clear. Good and evil exists. Stop disarming the good because of the actions of the evil. It just leaves the good more vulnerable and empowers evil to do more harm.

    It’s time to stop playing defense against this stupid tide of totalitarian bullshit from the universal disarmament side.

  12. Did you notice the size of the school from the aerial photos? Who wouldn’t feel alienated and angry being warehoused in there everyday?
    Not an excuse or even a full explanation, just one of many factors that has changed in the last couple of generations and contributes to a cheapening of the human experience and a lack of empathy… The youth population knows their siblings were aborted, they were handed to nannies their parents paid in cash, and were parked in front of tv and video games, and given participation trophies; how do we expect them to have love, patience, coping skills, character, morals?

  13. My theory is violent video games that kids are addicted to make it easier for them to kill in real life. And Ritlan that so many of them take for ADD when they are really just acting like young boys affects the brain in unknown ways.

  14. There’s still another person they’re looking at.
    Well, here’s a little insight on the weak-minded piece of shit. Loves him some commies and nazis and obsessed gamer. I guess he’s into devil worshi, too. And wtf? He thought he was going to join the Marines in ’19? pfft. They’d see you coming, freak.

    Warning about the link. There’s a picture of a mutilated frog near the bottom.

    “The Harris County Sheriff’s Office said earlier Friday that one suspect and another person of interest are in custody.

    Social media pages with the same name as Pagourtzis show the person was obsessed with guns, knives and animal torture, and he owned a trench coat with USSR and Nazi medals on it.”

  15. Growing up in Minnesota to graduate high school you had to demonstrate that you could swim. As in they lined up my class at the edge of the school pool and we had to jump in with clothes on and swim to the other side. The idea was: MN has a lot of lakes and a way to cut down on the numbers of drowning deaths was to mandate kids could swim. A reasonable law for MN and not so reasonable of a law for Arizona or Nevada.

    We should do the same kind of thing but on a national level regarding guns. Every high school should have a mandatory gun safety class with a part of the course dedicated to ethics and morality (the difference between killing and murder and when deadly force is justified). Bad Brad is right; something is broken in the culture that these kids are not getting it in the home or by society.

  16. No widespread coverage today of Doral golf (do I have that right?), getting shot up at 1:30 this morning by another lunatic. Only place I saw it was on at about 6:00a. Drudge had it posted mid-way down, too. But that was it. The police shot the guy in his legs and carted him off to the hospital. Apparently, no guests were shot.

  17. You know what the “government” has been doing over the last 50 years used to be fantasies in dime store novels. But now, we are seeing more and more evidence of it really happening; false flags, spying on citizens, globalization to the detriment of nationalism and freedom, pharmaceutical gaming the system to keep low cost drugs from those who need it, voter fraud and stealing primaries (with an attempt to steal a presidential election), etc. It gets more incredible every day.

    Now, for the last year or so, I’ve been getting closer to believing that all these school shootings have been planned. I don’t know how; maybe drugging kids and then stopping the drug and push them out the door to cause whatever chaos they can – whatever.

    But, it just seems much too convenient that they happen when the left get themselves in trouble and their agenda is becoming apparent to all.

    I know that mental health, family breakdowns, fatherless families, media outrage over the most minuscule detail, kicking God out of public life, and any other reason for this behavior is also involved.

    I’m just grasping to understand the incomprehensible.

  18. “The explosives found around the school were pressure cookers and pipe bombs, reports CBS News.”

    Yet, the lefties keep blaming the NRA.
    Not the shooter, not his parents, not the assholes who bullied him in class (allegedly)

    Santa Fe ISD – Official Site
    3 hours ago

    #UPDATE Possible explosive devices have been located at the school and off campus. Law enforcement is in the process of rendering them safe. School has been evacuated. Call 911 if you see any suspicious item. #HouNews #SantaFeISD

  19. AA-
    There will be MASSIVE coverage of the Doral shooting in a few hours.
    The angle will be that the police shot him in the legs and took him into custody.
    Blacks will say the cops shoot blacks to kill, white guys to wound.


    bank on it.

  20. Just when Hogg & Co were running out of steam, this comes up.

    Like clockwork. Perfect, perfect timing, just when the Left needs it to happen.

    As if centrally planned.

  21. Joe and Texan,
    I concur….Rap, Ritalin, and Red Bull.
    That’s the 3 R’s today, they put kids on dope just for being kids.
    In my day, they put the moms on dope.

  22. I think this article is bang-on correct:

    The takeaway from the article: At the risk of oversimplifying a complex argument, essentially he argues that each mass shooting lowers the threshold for the next. He argues, we are in the midst of a slow-motion “riot” of mass shootings, with the Columbine shooting in many ways the key triggering event.

    With the non-stop news cycle all out making anti-hero’s out of all the shooters, the threshold for the next wacko to give it a go gets less and less, this has nothing to do with guns, it’s about a sick media encouraging and setting the stage for the next one which makes the next one that much closer…and so on…God help us.

  23. ^^^ And they’re making the shooter the victim. A gun lobby victim. So the next guy doesn’t need an excuse to shoot, just has to set up a sure way to get good publicity. Copy cats.

  24. A CNN article indicates a student said about shooter:
    He was really quiet and he wore like a trench coat almost every day.
    I saved it.
    If true we can blame the school for lack of safe dress code.
    And above an IOTWer commented about the trench from Daily Caller link:
    Social media pages with the same name as Pagourtzis show the person was obsessed with guns, knives and animal torture, and he owned a trench coat with USSR and Nazi medals on it.

  25. follow me here:

    the nsa and cia are monitoring all communications in the country. emails, text messages, comments on blogs and phone calls

    what if the communications were all saying how no one wanted hillary for potus?
    she was going to win no matter what right ?

    didn’t the spying originally start with all the republican candidates and not just Trump? then narrow to Trump once he was going to win the republican nomination.

    what if the communications were all very pro Trump during the election ?

    now we find out that the deep state was spying on Trump to keep him from winning and when he won to keep him from becoming Potus and then to get him out of the whitehouse.

    what if the deep state had no intention of ever jailing the those involved in the spying ?

    what if the communications were all very anti deep state and it was apparent that there would be citizen trouble if no one was sent to jail ?

    what if the recent up tick in school shootings is no more than an attempt to bring about gun confiscation to keep the citizens in line once they learn no jail for hillary and crew ?

    what if the deep state plan has been to bring about a one world government and we were the biggest obstacle to that goal because we are all armed ?

    the deep state was never going to go quietly into the night once Trump was elected and the swamp was being drained.

    the resistance to closing the borders and building the wall, the resistance to ending the never ending wars in the middle east, the resistance to ending obamacare, all deep state wishes in their quest for one world government. all good for the citizens but bad for them.

    all smashed because we elected a president who was not one of the Washington club, someone who was clean and couldn’t be bought or blackmailed ?

    what if ?

  26. They act like animals because the schools are teaching them that’s all they are. They take God out at every opportunity.

    When evolution is brainwashed into them from every angle, you get the survival of the fittest mentality. There is no God, no eternal consequences – only now – so it’s a natural step to kill off all your enemies ASAP.

    That’s the main difference from when dunking Sally’s pig tail in the ink well was high on the list of bad behavior in school.

  27. They replaced God, and family with Gov’t, along with the idea that everyone is special. Crazy is crazy. The political correctness, and the fear to lock crazy people up along with the 24 hours news coverage glorifying these events only makes it worse.
    Been through a school shooting back in the late 70’s so save your “you don’t understand” bs for someone else.

  28. It’s time to home school or recall your school boards if necessary and get some law and order back into our schools.
    There’s a place in Michigan recalling most of their board over a crazy STEM or STEAM or something curriculum where the kids work at their own speeds, but the last straw was open meetings violations in which they had secret meetings. Tecumseh, MI if you google it. These schools are existing to mainly benefit the employees IMO even though some teachers are truly wonderful.

  29. I’ve been saying the same thing for months. Guns weren’t invented in the last 25 years, something else changed, guns are the same.

    It usually falls on deaf ears, a raging lefty will intelligently comment that nobody had an AR-15 25 years ago. Lol! They think they’re so perfect, yet they’re so ignorant!

    Leftists believed they’ve advanced society because a liberal’s shit never stinks! IT’S ALL THE FAULT OF THE GUN! To say it is leftist policy, you’re a racist, homophobe, wing nut who loves the NRA.

  30. Oh and another thing. Some goof kid tried to shoot up the high school in Reagan’s hometown the other day. His ass was handed to him by a SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER before he could kill anybody.

    You’ll never hear about that incident on national media this week!

  31. An avid gamer?
    Staring at a video screen for hours at a time?
    Social media presence that indicates loner and neo nazi?

    Think about this:
    Deep state is looking for easy people to trigger on social media.
    Once located, subliminal messages are forced into their games which pound violent behavior into their psyche.
    When needed, a subliminal triggering message is flashed and then all hell breaks loose.
    Someone could write a book…

  32. Police say they found pipe bombs and pressure-cooker bombs at the school, which is located south of Houston. this is from Yahoo posting “Inside Edition Staff” article.

  33. I keep hearing about “the good old days.”
    I don’t know when you grew up and in what town, but nobody in my town kept a gun on their gun rack in their pick-up truck at school.
    It would get stolen right away.

    Hell, I had two car stereos lifted 30 years ago AND I’M STILL FUCKING PISSED ABOUT IT!


  34. As I’m at the part time job my ability to get the news coverage is limited and not sure I’d want to watch.

    Bad Brad beat me to the punch/post by less than an hour and I’ve been following here…

    That said, if I look at my upbringing; I had available numerous weapons and my experience in grade and secondary school was less than pleasant. Why didn’t I take a few long gun and hand guns to school and pull this kind of crap??? Even in the late sixties with the rioting at SIU it never ever occurred to me that attacking the anonymous or numerous targets there would have been appropriate. Yes I was immature and until 25 had the experience that swift and blinding violence can address some situations. But again why didn’t I become one of these nut jobs to add to the body count???

    If I was in the system today would I be put on the drugs and find myself buried in the gaming systems??? Some how I don’t think my parents (as in two of them) would let the lack of morals and path that all these kids go down be something open to me.

    If I read anything here (beyond the tinfoil hat stuff and I’m not discounting that 100% either) we’re looking at drugs (legal and/or illegal), no parenting (which gives you the no morals), and a school system that destroys rather than develops or protects our youth. Am I missing something???

    So who steps up to say there needs to be the changes in the treating of mental illness, changes in the school system and how above all else do you get parenting to do some form of turn around when the poorly done version is rewarded with ready made excuses and money???

    We can harden the targets and change the turds in the school administration, but how do you create the society that develops better parents??? Thank God we got our two through the system and are now a doctor and a nurse…

    I’m would rabidly embrace some form of leadership or solution giving parties…

    As I suspect with many here I find myself befuddled beyond rational discourse and continue to look, listen and will continue to return here for wiser words than I’m capable of adding…

    I get verbose when I can’t communicate with any sense or solution.

    So it put me as Anonymous because I didn’t fill in the blanks as Anymouse. Not trying to hide.

  35. Anonymous, you answered your own question. “If I was in the system today I would be put on the drugs”. I’m convinced that is a critical part of this problem. We have all seen busy little boys that get an ADHD diagnosis, then put on drugs. And at the same time we see busy little boys that the parents refuse to let that happen. Guess which kids grow up to be productive adults.

  36. Yeah? How long ago was their active shooter drill? Again no real security to speak of, asleep at the wheel. Sheepdogs better get doing more than just showing their teeth…

  37. We are systematically hardening targets everywhere, but keeping schools proudly vulnerable, apparently for for the benefit of the gun grabbing movement. What happens when when one of the other threats that make hardening common sense strikes a school?

  38. People aren’t going to like my opinion, especially women, but this starts in the home. Children need two parents, a mom and a dad in a traditional family the way it was meant to be. Kids started becoming out of control about the same time “latch key” or whatever they were called became the norm. Parents need to be parents, not friends, mothers tend to have always been more of the nurturer part time disciplinarian and dad was the fun guy that let you do things mom would stroke out over, but he was also the main disciplinarian. Kids came home to mom who had their after school snack and forced them to do their homework before they could go out and play. They sat around the dinner table as a family. We as a society blurred the lines of family and the roles all members played in them. Even in families with a mom and dad, dad’s became pussies and let mom be the head of the household and the head disciplinarian. Women suck at being disciplinarians and I say that as a woman, mother and grandmother, yeah I could discipline my kids, but my nurture side wanted to nurture and kids listen to Dad more than they ever do Mom. I could spank my kids or ground my kids and it still didn’t work as well as a raised voice from their Dad.
    Once society redefined family and their roles, then they pushed even farther leftist bullshit such as no God, “village” to raise kids, homosexuality is normal and you can have two moms or two dads. Then because parents don’t want to parent kids are put on drugs because it’s easier to deal with a drugged up kid than a normal kid you have to parent.
    Now you take that background and you add into the mix what’s on television, in the movies and on video games, with the added attention these idiots get for shooting up places along with horrible teachers and drugs and this is the result.

    You want to fix it and stop it, go back to the basics, family and God and rid society of liberals.


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