Don’t “Welsh” On The “Mari Lwyd” If It Shows Up At Your Door – IOTW Report

Don’t “Welsh” On The “Mari Lwyd” If It Shows Up At Your Door

OK Whatever

Imagine it’s mid-December and you’re preparing for Christmas festivities when you hear a knock at the front door.

Instead of carolers or people asking for end-of-the-year donations to charities, staring down at you is a massive horse’s skull. It has the bottoms of glass bottles where its eyes would be. Its overly long jaw is spring loaded, allowing it to mime the words coming from the person hiding beneath it. They’re hidden under a white sheet, gripping a pole that holds the skull aloft. The creature is known as a Mari Lwyd, and it wants you to let it into your house. More

More about the Welsh tradition making a come back, Mari Lwyd Here

17 Comments on Don’t “Welsh” On The “Mari Lwyd” If It Shows Up At Your Door

  1. I prefer the ancient Scots custom of taking up a bottle of scotch on New Years day and walking around the neighborhood knocking on doors and sharing a dram… not quite as scary.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. Let me get this straight:

    You have to win a rap battle against a dude wearing a horse skull, or else he comes in your house and drinks your hootch.

    Never mind 23 & Me: Looks like I’m at least 45% Welch.

  3. Jimmy. My father is welsh and was born with six fingers.Had the scars where they removed them. Extra baby fingers.I did not now it was a welsh thing.We teased him saying he was inbred.

  4. Come next December, with a bit of good luck & blocking of votes from the dead, we’ll be seeing a lot of democrat jackass skulls on sticks begging for votes in 2022. The A Schiff one will be easy to pick out by the crazy eyes.


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