Don’t Worry About the Vaccine, You’ll Be Fine – IOTW Report

Don’t Worry About the Vaccine, You’ll Be Fine

14 Comments on Don’t Worry About the Vaccine, You’ll Be Fine

  1. I feel sorry for mothers who will get vaccinated while pregnant and their to be born children, if it doesn’t result in miscarriage. Yea, I know they say not to take if you are expecting to be pregnant or are pregnant, but that hasn’t worked very well hence abortion clinics on every street corner.

  2. The very same government agencies telling us to take the vaccine told pregnant women Thalidomide was safe. How’d THAT work out? Force the MSM, democrats, and teachers to take the vaccine first.

  3. If you do not take it now while it is “optional” then once it becomes mandatory you will already be on a list that you do not want to find yourself listed on, but by then it will be too late to hide behind your peasant cover and hope nobody notices you do NOT have your covid-ID-card.

    Sadly, since we have no more freedoms, you will quickly find out that going anywhere in public will require you to show your covid-ID-card, or using ANY kind of public services, government services, or just merely trying to live your normal life.

    You might be able to squeak by at a busy gas station, but once cash is outlawed there will be no escape except to live in the woods and bartering with others like you for survival.

    The PTB will make it so unpleasant for non-compliers that most will gladly submit to the shots, take their shiny new ID cards, then get back on their knees, put the masks back on, and keep your head bowed eyes firmly locked on your all powerful cellphone waiting for your next set of orders to come down from on high telling you what you can and cannot do today.

    Stick a fork in america, because we are done as a nation…. and its all thanks to dominion voting machines that have been around since the 1960’s putting america-haters into office for generations.

  4. They’ve already said if you’re immune compromised you shouldn’t take it, if you have allergies you shouldn’t take it, already we have a nurse that had to be hospitalized, we had another pass out on tv and another on tv who wasn’t even getting a vaccine and they weren’t even that good at faking a shot.

    I witnessed yesterday near the hospital they had turned one of those drive-thru testing tents into vaccination tents, I’m assuming they’re for the healthcare workers. Real smart either make them very sick or kill them off then cry some more over shortage of health care workers.


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