Don’t Ban Our Assault Weapons! – IOTW Report

Don’t Ban Our Assault Weapons!

Sept 25, 2019 Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Assault Weapons

Amy Swearer is a gun expert from The Heritage Foundation. This is her statement highlighting the reasons why government would be wrong to pursue any ban on Assault Weapons.

Watch here.

h/t Anymouse

12 Comments on Don’t Ban Our Assault Weapons!

  1. Guarantee you the Democrats on that committee didn’t hear a word she said. Once they see Heritage Foundation the discussion is over and the ability to hear disappears.

  2. This isn’t about ‘reason,’ this is about stripping us of the 2A so they can emslave us, and loot us.

    Ain’t happening – unless the likes of Romney get elected president.

  3. Anonymous
    OCTOBER 5, 2019 AT 9:41 PM
    “This isn’t about ‘reason,’ this is about stripping us of the 2A so they can emslave us, and loot us.

    Ain’t happening – unless the likes of Romney get elected president.”

    …even THEN, no man, including Mittens, is bulletproof or rope proof, just sayin’…

  4. What Different Tim said…

    Still, she laid it out nicely and at 3:50 on (going on memory from watching earlier…

    Her reference to her mother reminds that my mother was a better rifleman than most males I’ve seen put their cheek against a stock (and with a hard kicking ought six). Most women can become better at it in that they take direction and listen. Many males I’ve known had to be untrained first, because they thought they knew something.

  5. when you watch this please click on the ‘YouTube’ at the bottom of the vid … this way it will post a ‘viewed’ in U-Tube … send a message that we are watching & listening … & if you are a subscriber (I am not) hit the ‘thumbs up’

  6. “This isn’t about ‘reason,’ this is about stripping us of the 2A so they can enslave us, and loot us”

    Yep, and they’re running way late in the time line. In fact fuck them, it’s to late. DJT has done a masterful job in avoiding this crap. He knows.

  7. …which is the EXACT argument in reverse that they will use if they get to take the SCARY looking guns FIRST, @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, so they can go after the BORING looking ones NEXT, they just don’t want to boil the frog TOO quickly lest it jump out of the pot while it still CAN…

  8. Right you are SNS: Once they are successful in banning “assault guns”, it will be a simple matter of adding a rider to a bill that redefines everything as an assault gun.

  9. Funny.
    I bought an AR-15 (cheap) about … I don’t know … last year or early this year.
    I cleaned him up and even mounted a scope on him.
    Placed him by the back door.

    I don’t know if he’s lazy or worthless or what, but he’s never once left the house and assaulted anyone!

    Sits there – day after day – night after night – if he keeps this shit up I’m going to take him to the range and fire him myself!

    izlamo delenda est …


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