Don’t You Just Love Dogs? – IOTW Report

Don’t You Just Love Dogs?

15 Comments on Don’t You Just Love Dogs?

  1. That is funny.Those kids will never
    forget that.
    BTW= With all the mean disturbing events I
    see on the web it is a joy to see normal
    family people doing some good clean fun normal

  2. Like a magic carpet.

    My pit bull recently stirred up 8 deer at the forest preserve. They all lined up and ran away. She was chasing the lead deer perpendicular-like, but since they are faster she fell back to the 2nd, then the 3rd, 4th, and so on till the 8th and then quit. She ran right back to me. I love her so much. I hope one day she’ll finally hook onto one and bring home dinner, but it’s more likely the deer will drag her deep into the woods as she’s swinging from it’s neck.

  3. I don’t own a dog, but I do know a certain Velvet, she is the most amazing creature. Her owner, my friend Sam, tells her when they are coming over to my house, and she perks up and the tail starts a wagging.

    When she gets here, pure joy for everyone involved, my boys and her included. Lots of hugging and tail wagging.

    We put out her water bowl and then she finds a nice spot to hang while me and ‘Uncle’ Sam talk MAGA.

    I love her!

  4. lurker APRIL 19, 2020 AT 12:56 AM

    Lock your wife and dog in your car’s trunk. Come back in a half hour, open it up, and see which one is happy to see you.

    Sometimes I come home with several dogs’ odors on my pants or shoes from being greeted at homes I visit. My dog is very happy to intensely sniff my legs and shoes once he gets a whiff. If he could talk: ‘WOW! you’ve been with several other dogs today!’

    My wife would not be happy if she got a whiff of another woman being all over me.


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