Doocy Gets Biden To Drop a Deuce at Presser – IOTW Report

Doocy Gets Biden To Drop a Deuce at Presser

17 Comments on Doocy Gets Biden To Drop a Deuce at Presser

  1. That’s what my wife and I were saying. If he insists he knows what’s going on, and hid closest advisors agree, it’s time to file charges! And they should ultimately include TREASON!

  2. Trump kinda dropped the ball, though, when he said Pelosi was the insurrectionist.
    I’d of pulled Trump aside and said ixnay on the surrectionay.

    You’re kinda admitting there was an insurrection , boss.

  3. “Trump kinda dropped the ball, though, when he said Pelosi was the insurrectionist.”

    Totally disagree. The old hag had her daughter guiding a camera crew documenting the insurrection she facilitated. Tell me I’m wrong. Pelosi denied the extra security Trump recommended. Help me out here FUR.

  4. Did you see klod john pierre blinking her blinkers
    Ash and Lye colored
    Dot Dot Dot Dash Dash Dash Dot Dot Dot
    The whole 3 or 4 minutes long
    Over and Over
    Then they switched to Banker and Wartalk
    Pure black and white
    Nazis and Jews and now Mexican Egyptians too

    Y C N M T S U P


  5. I wish Doocy would had just asked Biden point blank “Mr. President, what is my name?” Watching Biden hem and haw and claw for an answer would have been epic!

  6. My take on the Media was “Who flipped their switch?” Getting ugly on Jackass Joe is unprecedented. The only explanation is that they got their Deep State marching orders to crucify Grampa Kiddy Sniffer so they can press the “Eject” button on his demented ass. Jackass Joe is done, but that certainly doesn’t put us in a better position!


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