Doomsday Clock Exhibit In Museum of Science and Industry – IOTW Report

Doomsday Clock Exhibit In Museum of Science and Industry

Apparently not enough people pay attention anymore to the infamous “Doomsday Clock,” so the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry has a new exhibit on the piece  for fear-mongering propaganda.


The article goes on to describe how one parent traumatized her daughter by pointing out that the clock sits at two and a half minutes to midnight. “But don’t worry about that, OK? It won’t happen. Relax.”

Then what’s it doing in a science museum?

14 Comments on Doomsday Clock Exhibit In Museum of Science and Industry

  1. Doomsday clock; another leftist creation. We never heard about it during democrat presidency, only during republicans reign, and then to breathlessly proclaim that “it’s moved to 2 seconds to midnight”. What a bunch of bullshit.

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