Doomsday Cult – IOTW Report

Doomsday Cult

Patriot Retort-

Monday on Twitter, the inimitable Hale Razor had this to say:

Difference between a doomsday cult and Fauci science? One is never wrong but adjusts the dates of its prophesies when bad things don’t happen as predicted, and the other is a doomsday cult.

Razor is being tongue-in-cheek here, of course. But he does have a point. The unquestioning faith in Fauci, the unshakable belief that disobedience will lead to apocalypse, the unwavering fear of “unbelievers” – everything embraced by the COVID faithful has a bit of a doomsday cult vibe to it.

Which may explain why many refer to them as the “Branch Covidians.”

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11 Comments on Doomsday Cult

  1. These are the religious symbols of the Cult of Fauci

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    This modern day Dr Mengele shpuld be locked up!
    He experimented on foster kids withe HIV drugs.

  2. Fauci was raised and educated in the Catholic system. He considers himself a “humanist.” So, he doesn’t believe in the creation. IMHO, he’s an enemy to the human race. Put a lump of hair under his nose and we have a modern day Hitler on our hands. He’s 80 years old, he should have been put out to pasture 20 years ago. However, I think he held on so he could be involved with what’s happening today – he’s directly responsible for the deaths of millions = modern day Hitler.

  3. The truly sad part is that the vast majority of us no longer recognize the snake-oil salesmen, the charlatans, the liars, the cheats, or the corrupt. We have lost that healthy skepticism which has protected us from all manner of predators.

    I don’t know where it’s gone, but it’ll be difficult to bring it back. Gullible and credulous people generally end up impoverished or dead.

    “… a pacifist and libertarian … had written on his threshold: “Wherever you come from, come and be welcome.” Who do you think answered the invitation? The militia, who made themselves at home and disemboweled him.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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