Door to Door Communism – IOTW Report

Door to Door Communism

Marxist communists have begun walking door to door, seeking reparations from wealthy people.

It’s called the “Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour.”

“Activists” knock on your door and ask you to turn over a significant portion of your wealth to “the poor.”


The concept of community reparations is that all people are connected as humans and therefore should take care of one another, Gray-Garcia said.

“It was very hard for us,” Gray-Garcia said. “This is extremely hard for folks who struggle with oppression, hate and classism to do. This is making us physically sick.”

In some cases, residents answered the door and briefly engaged in conversation. One woman pledged to take a closer look at the information the group provided her and consider a contribution.

Other times, no one answered the door. In a few cases, a child or housekeeper accepted the flier.

The group walked calmly throughout the neighborhood, with a couple members recording their actions and interactions on mobile phones.

As Gray-Garcia approached the first few houses, she sang “Give us back our stolen land,” into a megaphone. Yet, the device provided little amplification and the group otherwise made little noise as they went from house to house.

The police showed up about 30 minutes into their walk, following up on a resident complaining about a disturbance. The police simply instructed the activists to remain on the sidewalk and only send a few people up to the doors at one time.

“You had liberals, obviously, who smiled in your face and then called the cops on you afterward,” Gray-Garcia said. “You had a situation where people actually felt criminalized by having their land be named stolen and took umbrage. … and felt threatened by our mere presence.”


ht/ RosalindJ

33 Comments on Door to Door Communism

  1. I suspect most of us have been in a situation where we’ve needed a hand up.
    We choose to help those who are willing to help themselves, those who are no longer able to do so and disadvantaged youth.
    We donate at Church and “local” organizations like the DAV, VFW, MOPH, PVA and the FOP, all are non-paid positions and run by Volunteers. 100% of what we give goes directly to those who need it the most.
    We don’t enable users, abusers or losers.

  2. I’ll show them all my military service, college and grad school degrees, long hours of hard work and overtime and all the weekends and vacations and family time given up/sacrificed and if they can match it, I’ll be happy to give them two shits AND the sweat off my balls….

  3. “give us back our stolen land”???

    are you serious??? …. seriously? … & who did YOU steal the land from?

    wrap your pinhead around that one & get back to me

  4. There are no native Americans, they all came from someplace else.
    It’s the reason there are no native horses, ate them.
    The accepted theory is we all came out of Africa, so, it’s the Africans who owe for any stolen lands.

  5. Sounds like what my daughter said one day after we discussed the concept of “hyphenated names” and how people try to use that to indicate privileged rights – “Daddy there’s some of those hyena people.”

    Parasites, predators, and Marxists, oh my!

  6. I’ve already been thinking about fencing the front yard. Move the mail box to the sidewalk with the fence and put a doorbell at the gate. Really don’t care for strangers standing on my porch ringing the doorbell and scoping out my property up close and personal.

    Though I doubt these losers will ever grace our neighborhood. We certainly aren’t rich, but many of the homes ARE second thru 20th homes owned by people that don’t live there, as investments.

    I only wished I had the capital available when O was elected and property values plummeted in January 2009. $100,000 small homes went down to $40,000 – $50,000. Empty houses for sale up and down the block.

    I know the owner of the one across the street and it was empty and for rent then – a real estate saleswoman would come by on Friday and Saturday and take all the For Rent and For Sale signs down and off of all the houses on the block to cut her competition.

    I attached my friend’s sign with screws up high and out of reach once I saw that. It had disappeared several times. Once within hours of me putting it back up. Some people…

  7. I didn’t steal shit … well … not recently …
    I started work at 13 and continued till 55.
    Fuck these lazy assholes.
    Their premise is as stupid as they are.

    You want my shit?
    “Fill your hands, you sonofabitch!”
    (I’m not a violent guy, but enough is enough)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “Things could be alot better; but worse is more likely” using their approach.

    The more these ne’er-do-wells ‘organize’ and push, the wider the poles of humanity will divide.
    What will the future version of feudal states look like?

  9. This is why I haven’t answered the front door in 10 years if I’m not expecting someone. Liberals coming around to give me a recycling lecture or now just demanding money. What is next, they see I have more than one luxury vehicle and demand that too?!

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