Dopey Dope Wants To Sue Gorilla Glue After She Put It In Her Hair – IOTW Report

Dopey Dope Wants To Sue Gorilla Glue After She Put It In Her Hair

Gorilla Glue-

We are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair. We are glad to see in her recent video that Miss Brown has received medical treatment from her local medical facility and wish her the best.

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83 Comments on Dopey Dope Wants To Sue Gorilla Glue After She Put It In Her Hair

  1. Bet she brushes her teeth with PreparationH too.
    This is the kind of maroon all those, “Caution” blurbs are for.
    “Keep hand and feet from under running mower.”
    Thanks, Capt.Obvious.
    Darwin, we hardly knew ya.

  2. About 15 years ago there was a little girl took a selfie in the bathroom. The pic included her droppings right behind her in the toilet.

    Is this her? Kinda looks like her?

  3. It’s obvious she will not take responsibility for her no common sense action. So let’s sue and see how much I can collect. It’s a sad case of stupidity. Pray everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  4. from the story
    “Tessica’s already crowdfunding for her medical bills … a GoFundMe has raised $9,000 and counting.”
    Obviously there are people even more stupid than her.

  5. Sadly, she won’t learn personal responsibility for her actions. The Gorilla Glue manufacturer will probably end up paying out a large settlement to this idiot.

    Her self loathing stupidity caused this stunt. God gave her tight curly hair and she shouldn’t be ashamed of it.

    Probably voted for Xiden and supports BLM.
    No sympathy – she’s paying the price for being on purpose ignorant.

    Hey, Clueless Hoodrat, you have permanently damaged your scalp.
    Was the attempt to culturally appropriate worth it?
    Guess Asian wighats weren’t good enough – bet they are now.

  6. This is obviously the manufacturer’s fault here.

    I mean, if they hadn’t named it “Gorilla Glue”…

    (Yeah, yeah, I know…I’m leaving through the snide- uh, I mean, –side door, now.)


  7. From the link:
    “We’re told the label on the product she used says do not use on eyes, skin or clothing … with no mention of hair, which Tessica feels is misleading.”

    Being an idiot is not grounds for a lawsuit.

  8. Faboluloso. That stuff will get rid of anything.
    If you buy any be careful carrying it into the house because, if you spill it, it will clean the dirt right out of you yard.

    A gallon of MEK would also do the trick.

  9. Reality check: The label does not warn against using the product on hair. The store selling it did not have a clearly worded sign on the shelf warning about misuses of the product. At a local farm supply store they put up signs by the ivermectin horse wormers warning against human consumption of the product. Gorilla Glue and the retailer have a clear responsibility to protect the public against misuse and injury caused by their products.

    Gorilla Glue did not take the experiences of being a black woman in America into account in designing and marketing.

    The completely reasonable, nonnegotiable request is $10 million for damages, costs, reparations, a public apology, ongoing donations to BLM, and appointment of three minority persons to the company BOD.

  10. She did this on PURPOSE!
    Nobody – NO FUCKING BODY – keeps spray adhesive in the shithouse near the hair spray.

    She absolutely did this as a video whatchacallit, to make money.
    And she has.

    If culture is any measure – we’re doomed – even if (when) we kill all the traitors, we’re still a nation of morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. I made the mistake of following the links and ended up on Insta reading the comments. She’s the smart one in this tale. Anyone asking how she raised $9k for help will find the answer there.

  12. Wonder who she voted for? Naw, not really. Who’s that black Biden appointee that said blacks were more intelligent than Whites?
    Oh yeah, it’s this brainiac.
    Not only does race determine your destiny, wrote Kristen Clarke as an undergraduate at Harvard, black brains contain large amounts of neuromelanin, making them superior to whites physically, mentally and spiritually.

    I guess super glue girl was checkin her Obama phone when they were handing out neuromelanin, what ever the Heck that is.

    Clarke is now Joe Biden’s nominee to run the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

  13. What a whiner, a simple search on the internet tells you to get it off with a 5 gallon can of gas and a few matches. Works on bushy eyebrows and nose hair too.

  14. …this is why ladders have 493 warning labels on them, and why boxes of bullets warn you not to eat the lead.

    …because there actually IS someone that stupid out there…

  15. …Douglas Adams covered this in his “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series long ago…

    ‘”Hold stick near centre of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.”

    The Asylum
    The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of detailed instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed and fearing for the world’s sanity, built the Asylum to put it in and help it get better. The Asylum is a four-walled house turned inside out. That which one would be inclined to take as the door into the house opens into a lawn with benches and walking paths. This is the area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum. Thus, the inside of the asylum contains the entire world, save for that small area. Within that small outside area, Watson has mounted the instructions for the toothpicks, in order to discourage himself and others from going back into the asylum.’

  16. …I had many encounters with stupid during my EMS years, but one that sticks out was when we were called to a Biggs (a Wal-Mart like store for both its size and range of products, which no longer exists in my region) for an “accidental poisoning”. There, we found a woman in the Garden Department sitting on a scooter next to a small, open box of some lawn chemical, some flower food I think. She was conscious and alert and in no evident distress, so Question 1 was “What Happened”?

    …to which she said, “I was thinking about using this on my house plants and I wanted to see if it smelled bad, so I smelled it like this”, and IMMEDIATELY demonstrated before we could stop her by picking the box up and huffing the contents. I shit you not, she stuck her nose in it so far she had grains of it stuck to the tip, and of COURSE she immediately started sneezing.

    We were very surprised because we neither asked for nor expected a re-enactment, so I snatched the box out of her hands before she could go back to the well a THIRD time and read stuff about “harmful or fatal if swallowed”, “do not inhale” “Do not induce vominting” “call Poison Control at 1 (800) 222-1222 (this is their ACTUAL number if you want to write it down), etc.

    …we were only about 10 blocks from the local hospital so we sat her quickly in our stretcher sitting up, swabbed the visible crap off with DRY gause and suctioned the rest, and oxygen and Code 3 carrying the box to the hospital (AWAY from her) without further incident.

    ….yep, they are out there.

    And they are protected.

    I kept that one alive.

    And that’s why it continues…

  17. Cameras ready in the ER?
    She’ll suck the money out of the monkey.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it…
    “Our forefathers should have picked their own damn cotton.”

  18. “…the label on the product she used says do not use on eyes, skin or clothing … with no mention of hair, which Tessica feels is misleading.”

    Yes, if you are a MORON.

  19. I got into big trouble with my dad when I was about 10 or 11 in the early 60’s when I mistakenly used way too much Butch wax on my hair to obtain the greaser look. Needless to say my dad gave me a very short military style boot camp haircut after that, I never did it again.

  20. …not sure why the hospital tried to “treat” this in an ER anyway…it was NOT an emergent, life-threatening problem, and the correction is NOT to put acetone on it, the solution is to CUT IT OFF, just like a kid with bubblegum in its hair.

    If she goes around looking like a Marine recruit for a month, it may teach a lesson she wouldn’t otherwise learn.

    The ER was stupid to deal with this in the FIRST place. She should have been sent to a barber, not a doctor.

    …idiot awards all around…

  21. It’s highly unlikely that anyone here would leave their children in the care of this woman. She’s illiterate, that’s about all I can say about this nitwit. Gorilla Glue was the right choice for her and her hair. She’s going bald, she has that to look forward to.

  22. This is what “Go Fund Me” is NOT for. It gives this company a bad name. The people who donated are out of their fucking minds. But, that is life under the Bydin and Cameltoe administration.

  23. The damage to her scalp is probably so extensive, she may need skin grafts.
    She better pray there’s a solvent that exists doctors can use to remove industrial strength glue from her head. Just typing that makes me cringe.
    Too bad there’s no solution for an idiot who insist on being stupid.


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