Dopey Joe Uses The Same Lefty Phrase (Which Means “Pay More”) When Talking About American Gas Prices – IOTW Report

Dopey Joe Uses The Same Lefty Phrase (Which Means “Pay More”) When Talking About American Gas Prices

21 Comments on Dopey Joe Uses The Same Lefty Phrase (Which Means “Pay More”) When Talking About American Gas Prices

  1. Is there a more overly used (abused) dog whistle from the left than “fair share”?

    Along with Diversity, Equity, Hate, Racism, and existential Anything, so much ambiguity is baked into the cake, they have become meaningless linguistically. The only purpose for using such hyper-charged words is to foment emotion from your base.

  2. “The only purpose for using such hyper-charged words is to foment emotion from your base.”

    So well said, Rich Taylor.
    Their perspective is that ALL conservatives are rich and their “tribe” makes up all the poor and downtrodden.

    Come to think of it, they are so triggered, your first name would even cause them to spit and sputter.
    God, I hate these juvenile idiots.

  3. Fair share? Are they going to have a two-tiered system for paying for gas?
    Anytime the left starts talking about ‘fair share’ everybody needs to hide their wallets except for the select group.

  4. What is a “fair share” price for a product? The price of a product is determined by supply and demand, with increases or decreases for governmental taxes or subsidies. The government can affect the price of a product, but it cannot set the price of a product.

    This was tried with price controls for oil under Nixon and Ford. These price controls did work like magic – they made gasoline disappear and resulted in gas lines, no gas Sundays, etc. Price controls do not work – ask consumers from Russia, Cuba, or Venezuela.

    But I don’t know how “fair share” has anything to do with a product like gasoline. To affect the price of a gallon of gas, you have to either affect supply or affect demand or both – “fair share” does not enter into the equation. However, there is one thing you can count on in a Democrat run government: the poor will get royally fucked by whatever they try to do.

  5. What Commander Numbnutz Bumblefuck fails to mention (and no doubt does not realize) is that it is NOT just the price of gas at the pump that’s impacted. It is EVERYTHING that needs energy in manufacturing and transportation that is affected and that’s the real problem! You can shove yer “fair share” up yer ass you demented blustering, cheating, stumbling, bumbling, loathsome, amoral, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, mendacious, greedy, venal, obnoxious, dirty, horrible, ornery, unpleasant, vile, vulgar, hypocrite

  6. The democrat party passes all kinds of legislation the purpose of which is nothing other than the self-aggrandizement of the democrat party political empire and Joe Biden thinks he can browbeat us into thinking there is some kind of fair share we are obligated to pay for the benefit of the democrat party political empire.

    Joe Biden can eat shit and die. And I sincerely wish he would.

  7. “Pay your fair share”. That goes for you as well, Joe.Including your entire fucking grifter family. Hell, why not the entire Democrat, tax evading “leaders”, who are so caring, except when the shit they constantly propose lands at their feet? Shut the fuck up & leave us alone. Go back to “kissing” your grandson.

  8. Forces crude transportation to be over twice as much as it would be through a pipeline, while deliberately cutting domestic product & exploration to nothing.
    What was that term Mr. Fleming used?
    “Enemy action”.

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