DoubleTree Hotel Fired Employees Who Refused Service to Military Members – IOTW Report

DoubleTree Hotel Fired Employees Who Refused Service to Military Members

Sara Carter: Two employees at the DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton in Colorado Springs, Colorado refused service to members of the military. A sign at the bar read “NO LONGER SERVING MILITARY PERSONNEL & THEIR GUEST(S)”.



One hotel guest, Justin Vames, posted the sign to his personal Facebook page saying his group of over 600 people were treated ‘like crap’ during a post deployment ceremony celebration.

“These men and women were being honored for serving our country, but I guess serving them at the double tree is too much! Just so you know, we did not damage the building and there was no reason to treat us this way!”, said Vames.  MORE HERE 

22 Comments on DoubleTree Hotel Fired Employees Who Refused Service to Military Members

  1. A nuther example of what I just posted on the “Banning Plastic Straws” thread:
    Think they’re not on a massive power trip?
    Think again!
    People like this are capable of dreaming up a “master race” of Liberalism!

    This is the attitude fostered by the Left that is so dangerous.
    Double Tree just might want to consider the potential employee’s Politics in their background checks! I know it’s not legal, but hey, who sez it has to be official?

  2. Used to live there. Glad the dirtbags got fired. Hope they have to leave the state. Oh wait the People’s Republic of Boulder will welcome the dirtbags with open arms.

  3. A couple of Bolshevik Bartenders. Shocking. Since you’re looking for work comrades, why don’t you see if Soros is doing Congressional casting calls for 2020? He’s pretty good at placing failed bartenders.

  4. Colorado Springs? Really? A major portion of the city is either military families, or defense contractors, or involved in a business that serves Ft. Carson, or Peterson AFB, or the Air Force Academy. Not too smart. Good for Double Tree

  5. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
    Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind
    Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?
    Now, hey you, mister, can’t you read?
    You’ve got to be a leftist tard to get a seat
    You can’t even watch, no you can’t eat
    You ain’t supposed to be here.

    The sign said you’ve got to hate the military to get inside…


  6. Colorado Springs?!? The home of The Air Force Academy! Not serving military personnel sounds like an idea that could only have been cooked up by the product of our wonderful public education system. At least the hotel did the right thing by giving these chowderheads their walking papers.

    Tony R: LOL. Great minds think alike! 🙂

  7. ….and don’t overlook the fact that Cheyenne mountain is there and is the home of NORAD. They have the responsibility for a few meaningful tasks. Plus they track Santa….

  8. I’ve got to believe more than two employees were involved. Who OK’d the expenditure and the placement for the sign? It wasn’t bartender or the waitress. If the two people fired were managers they may have fired the right people, otherwise they just fired a scapegoat.

  9. I would think this kind of lawsuit would not be limited to suing a competitor company for reputation damages from making false statements, the whackjob employees also harmed the hotel’s business and reputation. Not that I like lawyers nor think the whackjobs could pay much, but more than loss of employment would be appropriate. A bit of trouble for bad behavior may help curtail such acts such as this one or waitress/waiters harassing Trump staff and MAGA clothing. .

  10. What is sad is that the Double Tree is a crap hotel and most military people can not even afford its rates. I have been to a home coming for deployed soldiers and this is a slap in the face to them and their families. The Double Tree should give them free rooms, that is after they get the bed bugs out of the rooms. I can not begin to tell you what it feels like for your kid to walk off the plane after being in a shit hole like Iraq. The stories they tell are horrible and none of it reaches here because of our worthless press. No one is aware of the fact that men and women will be placed in a bombed out village with no roof, no running water, constantly being under enemy contact, mortared, and eating cold rations for 3 months, no break. Then to come home to something like this, likely because the hotel is owned by Muslims. Can’s say enough bad.

  11. Those who disrespect our Military Forces should be marched down to the nearest U.S. Marines Recruitment office and given a choice Join or spend life in prison!

  12. You’re also forgetting a nearby Army base, Fort Carson, plus the fact there are any number of military retirees in The Springs.

    The nerve these people have .. not to mention the total disconnect to reality


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