Douche Nozzle of the Day: Nico Hines – IOTW Report

Douche Nozzle of the Day: Nico Hines

In a story that can only be considered malicious-  straight, married, Daily Beast writer Nico Hines went trolling various dating sites for gay hookups with Olympic athletes. He had amazing success and reported enough details about those who responded that even without using names a person could easily figure out who replied to his inquiries. Some of the athletes are citizens of nations that are unfriendly towards  homosexuals.   More



8 Comments on Douche Nozzle of the Day: Nico Hines

  1. “straight, married”

    how many straight married men troll websites just to see if they can out anybody?

    what bs.
    the guys a perv and he outed fellow pervs.
    let the pervs straighten it out amongst themselves.

  2. He won’t be to happy when someone posts his schedule and home address on the Internet. There are some guys that might not want to go home because of him. If they can’t go home they might as well go to his house.

  3. Why is this “malicious?”
    Why should the Daily Beast be “ashamed?”

    I thought it was OK, even courageous, to be an ass-licking cock-sucking pervert, these days!

    Obola’s a fag.
    Kaine’s a fag.
    HRC’s a fag.
    Anderson Cooper’s a fag.
    Shep Smith’s a fag.
    Faggity Faggot al-Fag’s a fag.
    Yassir Arafat was a fag.
    Muqtada al-Sadr’s a fag.

    So … is it is … or is it ain’t?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. That’s some really great, upstanding journalism there. Something that Mr. Hines can be truly proud of. I can hear him telling his grandkids about it some day: “Yeah, kids – would you believe that some of those guys got imprisoned when they went home? And a couple may have even been killed, because nobody’s seen or heard of them since then.”

    Yesirree, a fine piece of work.

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