Douche Wil Wheaton Mocks U.S. Air Rifle Gold Medalist – IOTW Report

Douche Wil Wheaton Mocks U.S. Air Rifle Gold Medalist

What an ass. But what do you expect from a guy in throes of failure? A look at his IMDB resume shows a lot of guest appearances on TV shows and video games I’ve never heard of, and his last movie was Sharknado 2. This post is actually face time that can only improve his lot.

When he was a kid he was boring, but that boring quality was exploited by directed Rob Reiner and played for “introspection” in Stand By Me. The crafty director created the illusion that the kid had depth and gravitas. He had neither.

As he got older, Wil Wheaton stayed boring and his looks caught up with his personality and the result is a forgettable guy in an industry that demands, at the very least, charisma.

Wil Wheaton has all the charisma of a Foot Locker branch manager. And he has the politics of an asshole.

Hey Wil. Vietnam has just won its first gold medal ever in the Olympics. And it was for SHOOTING, because we now live inside THE ONION, amirite?



27 Comments on Douche Wil Wheaton Mocks U.S. Air Rifle Gold Medalist

  1. Wheaton was the most hated character on Star Trek: TNG. The fans almost universally despised him until he was finally relegated to Star Fleet Academy after 4 years. I’ve only ever seen him in guest roles on The Big Bang Theory (which itself is running out of gas and looking at the width of that shark tank). He did a good movie in Stand By Me but that’s about it. He’s a extreme liberal and a self-important asshole as well. The upside is that nobody really gives a crap about what he says and most of the population don’t know who he is.

  2. He blocked me on Twitter a while back. Me! Little, sweet kitten!

    All I did was reply to one of his moronic tweets by saying, “’tis better to be quiet and thought a fool than to go on Twitter and remove all doubt.”

    Thin skin that one has.

  3. Former child actor who lucked out with a few more minutes past his 15 minutes of fame. Now he’s a has been ingrate with no Hollywood gravitas. His best bet for fame as a leftist – become transgender.


    Hilarious also in that the only character he’s known for these days had a love interest in one episode played by Ashley Judd, who also had her own recent spasms of ‘celebrity’-grasping-at-relevance-activism
    As if we cared in the first place what people whose primary job is reading lines and looking a certain way might think about politics.
    (p.s. the guy will block you on twitter if you say that to him. thin skin indeed. suck it up mankid, it’s your only source of notoriety so you might as well take it.)

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