Douchebag – IOTW Report


This is no hero. No one admirable. He is a douchebag.

43 Comments on Douchebag

  1. Watching that is like playing Mario Kart.
    He’s what I call a maniac. His suicidal actions seamed casual to him.
    Will end up a stain on the road eventually. I feel sorry for all the others who will be involved in the “accident”.

  2. That’s why they call them crotch rockets. And let’s hope he doesn’t kill anyone else when he kills himself.

    These people are a danger to others and should be put down by taking the toys away from them.

  3. My fantasy: He hits debris, goes airborne, lands under his bike in one of those big trucks carrying garbage from the transfer point to the landfill where they dump the load without noticing he’s there.

  4. I had a friend in HS who once rode his super-fast Kawasaki crotch rocket on the back road to Cheney, Wash at well over 160-170 mph which didn’t kill him then. He died in 1985 in his early 30’s when he was flying an ultralight aircraft and it fell out of the sky and crashed in the Spokane valley. I swear that he had a death wish because he was always pushing the envelope and it killed him at an early age. He also came from a very dysfunctional upper middle-class family which didn’t help things any as he was always allowed to get away with everything and anything with no consequences. His sister somehow or another turned out OK, go figure.

  5. Was a firefighter/EMT in a large western city. Had occasion to respond to calls when fools like this make an “oops”. Scoop up the pieces into a bag and hose the guts, blood, and brains into the gutter and head back to the station.

  6. Had to speed it up x2 to avoid the stupid chatter. I thought I was evil hoping that he would overcorrect and fly off into the ditch. You guys are great! I liked the idea of him splatting on a bridge to avoid killing or just involving someone else.

    Fur, I think douchebag is too nice for this … thing! But I do like the belt sander image!

  7. ^^^ … go figure.”

    was on the Northway in NY the other day and his cousin or someone was doing the same thing. Several miles later, traffic was backing up and stopping. Thankfully it was right at my exit, so I snuck off by driving on the shoulder. Glad I didn’t see it.
    some people call them donorcycles when they’re ridden like that

  8. My late wife when she worked in the lab at Sacred Heart Med. Ctr. called them donor cycles especially when Wash. state used to have a no helmet rule. Idaho and Montana still motorcycle allow riders to ride with no helmets. I lost a friend to becoming a permanent vegetable in 1997 when he crashed while riding with his motorcycle no helmet. And my wife had a Yamaha 750 but always wore her helmet when she was riding.

  9. He’s looking to make record time, so why not just ride the shoulder? Same with so many videos I see like this, goofs weaving traffic and the occasional shoulder pass while slowing down because of traffic when the shoulder is wide open. Clearly you use the shoulder, just use it 100% of the time and make better time and endanger fewer lives. Stupid either way.

  10. Insurance companies need to identify this person and black ball him from insuring any vehicle. It is people like this who push up rates for young men across the nation.

  11. When I was 16 I wanted to get a motorcycle, and saved up all my money to get one. When time came to buy it, my father said, “How can you do this when you know your brother died in a motorcycle accident??!??…. You can have his motorcycle.”

  12. He’s recording himself committing a crime and posting it on YouTube. Should make it easy to report him and issue a warrant. What’s going on with Colorado State/Highway Patrol? That stretch of highway is an obvious attraction for speed demons.

  13. People awaiting liver transplants depend on assholes like this. Many families have their lives upended by having to care for assholes like this when they become vegetables. Assholes like this are mentally disturbed. Best he just gets it over with.

  14. I have not seen it, but at least some bikers that go that fast too often must inevitably experience a once-in-a-lifetime air flight after hitting some debris or getting slammed by a car.

    That has got to end up being a jumbled bloody mess on the ground. I hope I never see it.

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