Doug Ross brilliant article: How the GOPe plans on getting Bush nominated. – IOTW Report

Doug Ross brilliant article: How the GOPe plans on getting Bush nominated.

PLUS great gut check question: How likely is it that each of the GOP candidates would actually SECURE THE BORDER?

Read it here at Director Blue

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32 Comments on Doug Ross brilliant article: How the GOPe plans on getting Bush nominated.

  1. I am Spartacus, too. The Floater is not going to tip-toe to the top this time. Yo no quiero Heb.

    And notice how the MSM hasn’t done the usual “14 dwarves” mockery of the huge field of candidates? They really want you to seriously consider anybody. Anybody but Trump or Cruz. If they weren’t worried about those two, they’d be picking thdm all apart with no mercy. Hillarhea MUST face Heb. It is pre-ordained.

  2. From the article:

    “They changed the nomination rules of the 2016 primary (e.g., “winner take all delegates”) to allow an unpopular candidate like Jeb to secure the nomination with only 20% (one-fifth!) of the delegates…”

    From Huffpoo:

    “Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Monday laid out a simple, yet very challenging strategy for a Republican who hopes to win the 2016 presidential election: A successful candidate, Bush said, must be willing to “lose the primary to win the general.”

    h/t Rush

  3. If Tromp is for real it’s time to up his game. He could win, no doubt. But it will require him to be better prepared and give more convincing and responsive answers. Lay out some vision and some framework on how he will do things. I’m not demanding wonk type answers, just framework stuff. But his supporters will want more in order to remain committed. And if he is believable, then people will line up with him as the others drop out. Just my opinion…

  4. I’ve read the vaulted ‘Last Refuge’ article more then once, and found it to make some very large fanciful assumptions. As for me, I’m buying stock in paper towel makers. There is going to be a lot of people with egg on their faces come Super Tuesday.

  5. I am praying for Cruz, Trump, Walker, or Carly Thatcher to be up there. But I feel like the kid who prayed and prayed to God for a new Bike. To no avail. He then said , fuckit He went and stole a bike. Then he asked God for forgiveness, and got it. WTF.

  6. I get calls from the GOP asking me for money. I usually kick in $1000 or more.
    I wrote them a letter and told them if you push Bush I’ll never give you another
    Dime and I will never vote again.
    Maybe if everyone here emailed the GOP and told them you will sit this one out
    If they keep pushing Bush. Maybe they will stop.

  7. You would really NOT vote? REALLY?!?

    I understand not voting for Bush. Nor would I.

    But not voting places you in the same category as the schlub who doesn’t care…as too many millions of uninformed, indifferent do.

    Why would you not write-in someone you want or vote Third Party? As symbolic as a “protest” vote may be, your voice is your voice…unless you choose to remain silent.

  8. The splitter strategy could work in theory, if they cooked it up at just about any other time. But what they are not, and have not, been able to factor into their planning is the awareness and unwillingness of us to go along with it.

    The calculations did not factor in a force like Tromp. They did not factor in the dug in heels of the voters and the anger and rejection of their duplicity. They expected the candidates to play by the rules, stay within the limits and be predictable and controllable. If they did, the manipulation would work, but they haven’t.

    Bush is in the 2-3% range on these unfiltered internet polls. Not 20%. He is roundly despised and dismissed. It’s not one guy standing in his way to the nomination it’s more like 4 or 5.

  9. The only thing people need to know is what he has already made clear; as the Ross article makes clear. He does need to upgrade his website to include video statements of his border wall and immigration policies as well as why these are necessary. College-age voters almost rely exclusively on social media and the candidate’s websites for direction. That is why Sanders is so popular among this group.

  10. Mostly agree.

    BUT: WE may not be willing to “go along” with it, but many are easily distracted.

    AND: it doesn’t HAVE to be Bush; it could just as well be Fiorina, Carson or Rubio. You can see from the stupid “reviews” of the debate how that goes.

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