DOW tanks almost 1000 points – IOTW Report

DOW tanks almost 1000 points

Worst month for stocks since 2008.

11 Comments on DOW tanks almost 1000 points

  1. Doom & Gloom, not gonna happen little ones. Though it would be the prior guys complete fault for “bankrupting” America, for thats the only thing hes knows, bankruptcy. Stock market was just doing a correction, anybody who follows the market would know this, jeez!

  2. Shanghai Locked down.
    Still fuck all containers moving.
    Disposable income getting ELIMINATED at the gas Pump.
    and Retailers getting robbed & looted with Democrat blessing.

    Build back Stu Cazzo!

  3. Anybody with a brain knows the market numbers are rigged. So why should there be any concern when the numbers do anything, or nothing?

    One more thing: if you can’t hold it you ain’t got it.

  4. * 33,000 Dow


    30 companies make up the dow, hardly a snapshot of the economy.

    The important one is the S&P 500, that’s comprised of 500 companies.

    The critical level was 4150. We breached it.

    Look for a bounce back above it or look out below….

    More importantly, watch the 10-year rate. A sudden meaningful spike and we’re done. Say, from the just under 3% we’re at now to around 4% and you know money is leaving the debt market in a hurry.

    Stocks derive value from the debt market. Without a “healthy” (funny choice of words in the environment) debt market, signaled with steady rates, you can kiss stocks goodbye.


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