Down Syndrome Boy Wins Gerber Photo Contest – IOTW Report

Down Syndrome Boy Wins Gerber Photo Contest


The winning smile goes to 18-month-old Lucas Warren, the first baby with Down syndrome to be awarded first place for the Gerber baby contest in its 91-year history. Out of 140,000 photo submissions, the adorable boy was chosen to be this year’s spokesbaby.

“Lucas’ winning smile and joyful expression won our hearts this year, and we are all thrilled to name him our 2018 Spokesbaby,” said Bill Partyka, President and CEO, Gerber in a corporate statement.

According to PR Newswire, Partyka said, “Every year, we choose the baby who best exemplifies Gerber’s longstanding heritage of recognizing that every baby is a Gerber baby, and this year, Lucas is the perfect fit.”

 See Lucas at the link below.


10 Comments on Down Syndrome Boy Wins Gerber Photo Contest

  1. I saw this earlier (Yes he is a cute little guy and deserves this), I still could’nt help but think with all the revelations of swamp treason exposed today and the years they mocked Sarah Palin’s boy, it must really SUCK to be a leftist right now. Let’s not give them a chance to breathe, and continue to beat them relentlessly until they expire, or suicide.

    Either one works for me.

  2. Cute kid with a big smile – wonderful to be judged on the content of the smile and not the politics and medical ethics issues. Way to go Gerber!

    Every life is sacred and every baby a miracle of God.

  3. Millions of mongoloid children are aborted because parents can’t stand the thought of raising a Down’s baby. I won’t judge them as most of us want a perfect children. Even the beautiful babies born can become a burden to their parents and society.

  4. Yes, he’s cute but that’s not a face that is going to get me to buy baby food for my child anymore than Bruce Jenner is going to convince me to use his face make up or that hijab wearing muslim woman will get me to use L’Oreal hair dye.

    Advertising used to appeal to our “aspirational” selves. The underlying promise is “You, too. can look like this if you buy our products.”

    (By the way, I had a cousin with Down’s Syndrome the same age as my younger brother. He was placid and loved by his family but upon his death this year at 57 he never progressed beyond a mental age of 4. I taught severely mentally disabled children for a time before I went into marketing with Fortune 50 companies so my comments are based on decades of real world experience.)

    Now it’s all about legitimizing the outliers – and not the good ones who discover cures or have high IQ’s. Those outliers are denigrated because they’re the wrong color or ethnic tribe.

    These companies are destroying decades of brand equity to virtue signal. And, since the left promotes aborting Down Syndrome babies, where’s the future market?

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  1. Gerber Done Good – IOTW Report

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