Doxxing For Fun and Intimidation At University of Texas – IOTW Report

Doxxing For Fun and Intimidation At University of Texas

The antifa group calling itself Austin Autonomous Media (AAM) works at identifying and disclosing the personal information of any University of Texas student who attends a conservative event or meeting. They specialize in infiltrating public forums, photographing UT students who attend and then doxxing everything they can find out about those individuals. The threat of future violence on those thus exposed is both unnerving and enough to force many to surrender their 1st amendment right to gather. More

14 Comments on Doxxing For Fun and Intimidation At University of Texas

  1. If this was white people doing this kind of thing to a black person there would be nationwide outrage.
    This behavior is despicable and it shouldn’t matter who its done to, it’s just wrong.

  2. Can’t point out enough that this is how the Nazis and the Commies started to intimidate their way to power. Its simple evil and these people are the evil incarnated means our world is destroying itself.

  3. “The president of YCT, Saurabh Sharma, he has not pursued any disciplinary charges against any of the students known to be involved in the doxxing.”

    So they know some of the individuals who are doing the doxing. I have a few ideas how to stop them.

  4. I can’t wait for the day when I hear on the news that the bodies of some of these antifa assholes were found out in a desert or swamp! I have a feeling it’s coming soon.

  5. @Doc January 14, 2019 at 2:17 pm

    > I can’t wait for the day when I hear on the news that the bodies of some of these antifa assholes were found out in a desert or swamp!

    May that day never come. (Martyrs are bad propaganda. Mysteries, though, are intriguing.)

  6. The article noted that in Texas, if you are carrying your cell phone, people will run by you and grab it out of your hand. Boy, would I have fun trolling those bastards.

  7. Frankly I suspect the answer here is to get a half dozen names of these antifa gangsters and beat the crap out of them (male and female) while saying nothing to them at all. I know that sounds just as bad or actually worse but you can bet that membership in this little group of thugs evaporates after the first few and their doxxing method of intimidation falls out of favor all around the country.

  8. Sharma and Hukeri. Sharma is 21, of age to obtain a Texas License to Carry and should. Sharma could raise the necessary funds ($1080 plus room and board) to attend training in February near Mountain Home Texas when Mr. Smith reactivates the facility in our cool months.

    Then Mr. Sharma can provide overwatch to his fellow kulaks as he and they attend classes.

    Welcome to Reality young sir.


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