Dozens charged with crimes connected to Capitol breach, federal prosecutor says – IOTW Report

Dozens charged with crimes connected to Capitol breach, federal prosecutor says

Just The News-

Dozens of individuals have been charged with crimes stemming from the deadly U.S. Capitol breach, the Justice Department said Thursday.

Michael Sherwin, the acting U.S. Attorney for Washington, D.C.,  said that 55 people, including one carrying a rifle and Molotov cocktails, have been charged in connection with the incident Wednesday, Bloomberg reports.

Charges for insurrection and sedition “are on the table,” Sherwin said at  press conference. “We’re not going to keep anything out of our arsenal for potential charges. We will bring the most maximum charges we can based upon the conduct.” read more

18 Comments on Dozens charged with crimes connected to Capitol breach, federal prosecutor says

  1. Here’s the sitch…..if you mob up and break into a government building protected with armed guards, and you don’t get shot, you are lucky. Likewise, if you mob up and destroy private property or attack people in vehicles, and don’t get shot, you are lucky.
    The “cause” for either is irrelevant.
    Anybody that broke in should be charged with applicable crimes to the fullest extent, same as those that torched private property for the last 6 months. FULL STOP.
    Large crowds….and especially “protest” crowds, in my my opinion are dangerous……at some point shit gets ugly. It always does, and just a few dipshits in that crowd can light the fuse.
    Mob mentality isn’t a white/black thing, it’s a human nature defect.
    “A person is smart, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it.”(K-MIB)
    Groups taking a protest outside on the steps or inside of state buildings isn’t some new thing.
    Breaking in through windows and overrunning security is unacceptable.
    Just my two cents on this horseshit.

  2. flip
    “aren’t normal Trump supporters” are on the payroll.
    Probably have all ready been bailed out or released from prison just for this occasion.
    On Amanpour they had different footage and you can see John Sullivan leading the way.
    Realize that there is no limit to Lying, Cheating, stealing, that the the Socialist Dems, MSM, Big tech, won’t do to fuck over the little guy.
    Only tax those over $400k, means we are about to get bent over the tax table.
    All Trump supporters are in for a bashing. Those that believe the media will all turn into rats. To the new “ruling class” we are nothing more than what they step in, in a dog park.

  3. “Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called for the removal of President Trump by impeachment or the 25th Amendment”

    The reason they are pushing hard for impeachment or the 25th Amendment, is so he can’t run for President again. They know they can’t pull off the fraud off again.

  4. “They know they can’t pull off the fraud off again.”

    Wake up. The fraud is now law in the USSA. Witness GA runoff results. We’re fucked. Polls don’t change any more. Other means.

  5. Democrats help their people out of jail by setting up Go Fund Me accounts. What do conservatives do? Nothing. Dems have always banded together better than Republicans. If one was started to get these people out I’d donate.

  6. See how this works: A mob {of questionable loyalties} descends on the capital building and the authorities attack those with the temerity to trespass on government property. It’s Trump’s fault!

    In Saint Louis Mo. A mob descends onto the private property of citizens {The McClosky’s} and the authorities attack the homeowners for the temerity to defend their home. It’s Trump’s fault.

  7. ““aren’t normal Trump supporters” are on the payroll.
    Probably have all ready been bailed out or released from prison just for this occasion.”

    That should be readily verifiable through public records, is anyone researching it to do so?

  8. If you think they won’t manipulate the vote totals on elections going forward, you are naive. We no longer will decide who is elected. The swamp will. They will all “get their turn” like Shillary was supposed to.

  9. Meanwhile back at the ranch, the real law-breakers are going scot-free to permanently cast skulduggery, fraud, theft and disingenuous propaganda into concrete as the Standard Operating Procedure!
    Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century where unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, high-handed, dictatorial “regulations” will be followed by the selective application of so-called “laws” largely based on what they think they can get away, sanitized with lies for our “protection” and all the Pay-To-Play graft, massive corruption and Da Minion Election machines to choose our “esteemed” leaders for us!

  10. BTW – Some pretty good comments over at Earl’s place this morning about the Ashely Babbitt murder.
    After an entire summer of burning, looting and total destruction Law Enforcement only ever used spray, tasers and rubber bullets. Why the live ammo with no warnings in the Capital building and by who? Where is the outrage? Where is the justice?


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