Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Wins Key Victory in Election Fraud Case – IOTW Report

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Wins Key Victory in Election Fraud Case


Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD., scored a major victory in his lawsuit claiming that his campaign for Senator in Massachusetts was fraudulently stolen thanks to Dominion Voting Systems machines used to tabulate and calculate the vote.

Dr. Ayyadurai is well known to TGP readers. Here are two pieces resulting from Dr. Ayyadurai’s research–Dr. Shiva Presents Arizona Data and Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva, Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft.

Dr. Ayyadurai is David fighting Goliath. He could not find a lawyer to take his case so he was left to fight alone. He filed Pro Se, i.e.

For one’s own behalf; in person. Appearing for oneself, as in the case of one who does not retain a lawyer and appears for himself or herself in court.

Dr. Syyadurai, not a lawyer, faced off with the Secretary of State William Galvin and won the right to present an amended complaint (see Case 1:20-cv-12080-MLW). Judge D. J.  Wolf, the man who put Whitey Bulger in prison, made the ruling. read more

5 Comments on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Wins Key Victory in Election Fraud Case

  1. Lets stop calling PHD holders DR Please. It started with that PHD moron with WHO the 3rd world guy that scared the crap out of the world when he didn’t know what he was speaking of; carried on with another moron in Cali making shutdown decisions, and now Joes Gold-digger missus wants to be called Dr with a lousy PHD in so called Education. Enough. Let them get their ego off some other way, like putting their credentials in notation form after their name like the civilized among us, and refrain from trying to imply I’m smarter than you, when they have ZERO Common Sense !

  2. Lets stop calling PHD holders DR Please. It started with that PHD moron with WHO the 3rd world guy that scared the crap out of the world when he didn’t know what he was speaking of; carried on with another moron in Cali making shutdown decisions, and now Joes Gold-digger bedswerver missus wants to be called Dr with a lousy PHD in so called Education. Enough. Let them get their ego off some other way, like putting their credentials in notation form after their name like the civilized among us, and refrain from trying to imply I’m smarter than you, when they have ZERO Common Sense !

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