Dr. Ben Carson doesn’t know what the Debt Limit is – NOT the NUMBER – THE CONCEPT! – IOTW Report

Dr. Ben Carson doesn’t know what the Debt Limit is – NOT the NUMBER – THE CONCEPT!

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22 Comments on Dr. Ben Carson doesn’t know what the Debt Limit is – NOT the NUMBER – THE CONCEPT!

  1. Ben Carson doesn’t know what a zillion dollars is. Because that is what it is. Unreachable and a final fail for our country with a ticking time clock. It’s like the opposite of the resurrection of Jesus. It is a destruction of the constitution and the Declaration that will be felt in our children’s lifetime.

  2. He doesn’t know the CONCEPT of the debt ceiling.
    With ALL DUE RESPECT to Ben Carson – the man is a BRILLIANT SURGEON, TOPS in his field but it doesn’t necessarily mean you can be President.

  3. BTW, I favor that we default on our debt rather than continually increasing it! The very second Obama signed the last increase the debt went up $389 Billion! That’s 1K per man woman or child in the USA or 3K per taxpayer! STOP INCREASING THE DEBT!!!!!

  4. P, your full of shit on this one. I’ve listened to the whole vid 5 times now, and your take resembles a Salon take. There is no semblance of truth in your title. You are hurting your cause by pretending your ignorance. iOTWr readers are NOT stupid and you are doing a great disservice for all of us. Please stop it!

  5. They won’t default per se. They’ll monetize it by printing cash. The treasury bond holders will receved a check in the mail for a $1000 bond. The third class bulk rate stamp on the envelope will have a face value of $1,000,000. Think Weimar Republic.

    Deficit spending is nothing more than defered taxes and they will collect the tax through inflation.

  6. Wait, we’re trashing Ben Carson using leftist asshole video makers??

    When did this become a thing?

    I think Carson knows what the concept of the debt limit is.
    I think he’s saying we must use draconian measures so we don’t need to go through this friggin ritual of borrowing more than we allotted/promised to borrow, and we must seriously take a scalpel (heh) to Washington so that’s it’s not necessary to break our own promises.

    Maybe defaulting will wake up people to the fact that we’re so far in the red we can barely pay the interest on what we borrow to cover the ridiculously irresponsible budget.

    But I’m not sure it will.

    If Ben Carson was Chauncey Gardner I would vote for him over Hillary or Bernie Sanders.
    The debt limit is an annoying speed bump for these two.
    They’d borrow us into the dollar defaulting, let alone our government.

  7. Menderman writes: “So, Mr. Pinko, you favor raising the debt ceiling? Really?”


    Menderman writes: “You did post this video, didn’t you?”

    Mr. Pinko writes: Menderman – You’re an idiot. (and it’s in an official “box”)

  8. There is NO debt limit.
    The Republicrats gave away the store.

    Obola has bent us over and spread our asscheeks.

    The whole world is coming to fuck us – mexico and the ragheads have already started – and we’re twiddling our dicks wondering which thumb to shove up our ass.

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