Dr. Ben Carson shares his call for America, 2016 plans – IOTW Report

20 Comments on Dr. Ben Carson shares his call for America, 2016 plans

  1. Sorry, but this man fails the RKBA test. I’ll not be motivated to pay much attention to him unless/until he digs himself out of gun control hole he put himself in last year. And that’s a tall order.

  2. Ben Carson is a good man. I’ll support him and vote for him if he is selected. But this is an 18 horse race, not unlike the Kentucky Derby. I’ll wait for the results of the Republican Convention. I can’t afford to wager on all horses. And besides, it’s a waste of hard earned money. I wasted good money on McCain, West, Guilliani, and Romney last time out.
    No way Jose.

  3. Carson is the uncles house I always wanted to visit when I was a kid. Always in a good mood, nice to you, has a present on occasion and good at playing games in the back yard. But I want a leader with fire in his/her belly and the fortitude to point fingers and make clear decisions.

    And there is that 2nd Amendment hole.

  4. Seriously Jim, you want another gun grabbing negro?
    Since that’s what you seem to be saying, why don’t the two of you show up at my door and try.

  5. Carson is way too pollyanna and edging on RINO. We need a Reagan type who will kick butt, and then take names. Someone who will at least try to prosecute Obama and his ilk for treason.

  6. i would not vote for a black man or woman if they were running for president
    of the *shoe shine association*. they are all full of shit .. every last one of ’em ..
    “we be gettin’ ova’ on whitey ..” this is what they are all about

  7. I want Bad Brad to run. We could all open carry a machine gun.
    What Brad said tonight was exactly how I feel but I’m a pussy and he isn’t.

  8. Handing the Left a new deck of race cards to play will result in more votes for them and less for us.

    Idiot trolls, like “Ho Che Min” here, from the Left are just looking for more ammunition — because they know they are losers.

    Ben Carson is a great guy. He’s too nice, though. He might have a hard time commanding our armies.
    Carson said on CBN News that he lost the ability to get mad. Anger at our enemies is a necessary tool that has to be passed down from Commander In Chief to the troops in order to fuel the fight.

    And then there’s that gun thing.

    Allan West would be a better man. But don’t expect to ever see him commenting here if you badmouth “blacks”.

    Skin color doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with it.

    And that’s my Sunday night rant.
    @¦{•> (dead muhammad)

  9. Since “multiculturalism” is here like it or not, and since we’re virtually synonymous with the kind of president we’d like to see, we’re not going to get the whole package ever on. We will be like a mean dog attacking those feet they stand on, to capitulate to us, the STRONG individualists. This is the case because in great measure we’ve forgotten who we are and where we’ve come from. And if there is such a black man that fully embraces these ideals, great. Ultimately this shouldn’t be about “white supremacy’, but rather about true transparency where the individuals’ rights are protected. It would look like a return to a freedom to succeed, and the freedom to fail, without the safety net of entitlements. Without a healthy free market system in place, increased rioting would be the result by the entitlement addicted.
    Conclusion: a fully principled man is what America needs, but we’ve fallen so far away from this ideal, such a person would seem alien.

  10. Please, trolls, stop it! This is NOT about skin color, it us about ideology. Yes, there are serious problems in the black community at large, but don’t paint everyone with the same brush. Except liberals, of course. There are all stupid destructive losers.

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