Dr. Naomi Wolf Updates on Pfizer Document Dump – IOTW Report

Dr. Naomi Wolf Updates on Pfizer Document Dump

Kudos to the people who have stepped up to review the documents and to the lawyers who are bringing cases before the courts. 👏👏👏

13 Comments on Dr. Naomi Wolf Updates on Pfizer Document Dump

  1. The vaccine mandates have had their more than fair share of emotional distress on untold millions. If their plights are well documented, can there be a financial settlement in the making?

  2. I dunno how you all feel about lawsuits, it won’t bring back your loved one or make you whole again. Money cannot buy that. Pfizer does not care, nor the people who put into place the inability to sue over an experiment that you decided to volunteer for. Probably who would benefit most from the lawsuit are those who lost their jobs for refusing to take the jab. Pharmaceuticals have plenty of money to defend themselves – they made billions off of killing people.

  3. Goldenfoxx – I understand your point. I have a couple of counterpoints:
    1. I am not willing to just give up
    2. Maybe I am an optimist (sorry, had to laugh at that), but if enough people do bring them to court, eventually, they will have to answer to the shareholders. The problem is getting enough people, with standing, to bring those suits and not just accept the buy offs.

  4. @ Goldenfoxx MARCH 10, 2022 AT 11:02 AM

    How about suing the employers that forced it on you?

    That would change their behavior if they were held accountable even once.

    Seems like a path to end the nonsense.

  5. The loop hole in Pfizer and the other drug companies immunity is the fact that the vax was fraudulently presented as safe and effective.

    The data revealed so far covers only the first 3 months of roll out. There is going to be more and more evidence drug companies and FDA and Fauchi lied about the vax being safe.

  6. @ Dad of 4- I am a hospital employee that was first placed on UNPAID leave (not permitted to access my vacation hours), then, ultimately fired in December. I was employed, as a nurse, at the largest medical facility in Oregon. A suit against the hospital was filed. The judge that heard the case is married to a Democrat state representative, and reportedly, a close buddy of Kate Brown. The case was dismissed. Another suit by Free Oregon was also dismissed. As it stands today, the Jabdate has been lifted for all but medical employees. There is a group of employees that continue to work with a Portland law group, that is receiving assistance/support from the Pacific Justice Institute. I am not part of that group, at this time, related to financial reasons. I do hope that the fraud will be a game changer. Honestly, I believe that our complete vindication will come from God. Please pray for the Satanic hold on this nation to be broken. THAT is how we win this war.
    “If my people will humble themselves and pray, I will heal their land.”
    Thank you and blessings to all♥️

  7. So sorry for your situation, Indimex.

    You’re right. Prayer is what we need every day.

    There are thousands of other employers that can be sued, though. There was no law making them do it.

    Someone’s going to flip out if this continues because it really is a life and death struggle they are forcing on innocent people who’ve done nothing wrong.

    I could see a jury saying “justified” for taking out someone that forced this on them.

    That’s why juries are more powerful than any “law” or regulation.

    Jury nullification.

    It’s a thing.

  8. Indimex, will add you to my daily prayers. I know what you mean about “our complete vindication will come from God”. That’s why I also pray every day for God to have mercy on our nation.

    If enough Christians in the USA turn from our complacency, work for God to be returned to our society along with eliminating the murder of our children, I believe God will bless us. We don’t know his plan for us, but he does want us to pray and accept his will.

    God bless you.


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