Apocalyptic – Mass Graves, People Drinking Out of Puddles in Ukraine City of Mariupol – IOTW Report

Apocalyptic – Mass Graves, People Drinking Out of Puddles in Ukraine City of Mariupol


The devastation in Mariupol, Ukraine, is unimaginable. It’s been under siege from Russia for a week, and residents report there is no water, heat, or electricity. Food is running short, and Russian forces have the city surrounded. On Wednesday, a Russian airstrike hit a children’s and maternity hospital in the port city. When someone is killed, residents have been urged to leave them where they fall rather than risk the danger of venturing outside, one woman who recently fled tells the New York Times. “There are just bodies lying in the streets,” she says. Mass graves are being planned, with at least 47 people buried in one Wednesday. People are boiling snow for water or drinking from puddles. The mayor says a death toll can’t even be determined with any degree of certainty because the attacks never cease. 

Why there?

  • Location: There’s also the fact that Mariupol, just 35 miles from the Russian border, is located in a strategic land corridor between Crimea, the territory Russia annexed in 2014, and the Russia-backed separatist portions of east Ukraine. If Russia controls the city, it can send supplies to forces in the west and cut off Ukrainian shipping from the port.
  • 6-year-old dead: A girl reportedly died of dehydration Tuesday after her mother was killed in the attack. The child was reportedly found in the ruins of her home; the building had been shelled, Reuters reports.
  • “Apocalyptic”: That’s the word an aid worker used to describe the situation to Yahoo News, noting that Mariupol is not only cut off from the outside world physically but also digitally, with limited internet connectivity making communication nearly impossible. Relief supplies can’t be brought in. A Doctors Without Borders coordinator calls the situation “catastrophic.”


24 Comments on Apocalyptic – Mass Graves, People Drinking Out of Puddles in Ukraine City of Mariupol

  1. Yes … apocalyptic … revelatory … that’s what Biden & Co. have planned for us.

    War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.
    Hmmm … where have we heard that before?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The social media sites are overflowing with well meaning misinformed patriotic Americans (mainly veterans) that are willing to risk their lives for something they know very little about! I’m getting burned out doing their research for them.

  3. Maybe it’s true, but maybe it’s not. I am skeptical of the media-goverment and their “sources”. Or maybe I’ve just become even more jaded than ever before. Even photos and videos often turn out to be phony or old

  4. Casualties in war? No shit.

    I’m at the point that I question everything I read and believe very little anymore. I used to think that if I could cast around and get a POV from different political leanings, I’d end up with bias + bias=some thing approaching reality.

    Now? All the media, even alt right and far left sources are getting their takes from something other than reality and it’s just about impossible even with someone like Michael Yon, to separate his bias out of what he is actually seeing & reporting.

    And DC pols? Give me a fucking break. $31T in debt(actually about $130T) about to lose the reserve currency status, war in Eastern Europe that is almost entirely our fault and mandatory invasive medical protocols??

    I’m almost at the point to ignore the Klown Car Parade. Almost like the separation from professional sports. Whodathunk no more Australian Opens or NFL on Sundays but it’s the way it is now in my life.

    My cynicism is metastasizing, no doubt about it.

    In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act. It’s almost like he had a window that opened in 2022.

  5. When I was a kid we were taught to respect George Washington’s honesty for admitting he chopped down a cherry tree. I other words back then honesty was a virtue.
    Dishonesty was and is evil.
    We live in evil times when our leaders are evil liars.

  6. I remember the lines we were fed about mass covid graves in New York and hospitals overwhelmed with covid patients everywhere. Please forgive me if I’m not buying the apocalypse narrative just yet.

  7. SNS – agreed. The military is trained, or should be, to do the job they are intended: kill people and break stuff. We in the “civilized” world of progressivism / wokism / kinder gentle, pick your euphemism, are trying to make those whose job is to protect to be “nicer”. There is a distinct line between “nice” and war.
    Every person among my family and friend, including acquaintances, who has served agrees with, and most have vocally argued against, the “get in the good graces of the citizens of our enemies”.
    I do understand that we don’t want to make more enemies, but how many American lives are you willing to sacrifice in order to save one native of the country from flipping and hating us?
    OK, end rant. I hope most understand what I am trying to say.

  8. Our next civil war is going to be very interesting to say the least. In the last one it wasn’t hard to tell what side they were on because of the color of their uniforms.
    This next one will be more convoluted with no clear battle lines OR uniforms, and will make us open for invasion from foreign entities.

  9. Third try

    Here’s a good one. Go to .bitchute. /video/fVxGiHParDAC/

    fill in the missing com, and you will see body bags filled with Ukrainians laying side by side. Cept they ain’t dead. They can’t lay still long enough for the photo opp.

    The other two tries were held up for approval because you had the http www part. When you took that off, it posted fine. – Claudia

  10. Brad
    MARCH 10, 2022 AT 12:00 PM

    …Like everything else Democrats promote, its a lie. Good find, Brad.

    Also, that’s not how body bags work.

    The ACTUAL body bags like these appear to be are used for transport only. They are too expensive and too difficult to store for storage use. You’d use fluid containment bags for this purpose and store them somewhere cold, a refrigerated trailer if need be, not just laying around unless you were staging them for transport.

    A fluid containment bag is like a big Ziploc bag, meant to do what the name suggests, a LOT cheaper than an actual body bag but not strong enough to actually lift a dead body in (seen that personally, but that’s a different story for another day). Body bags do not contain leaks, so you wouldn’t use one by itself, particularly with a traumatic death, unless you were fond of slipping in blood and piss while carrying dead people.

    They are rather difficult to breathe in, however, so not recommended for the living. Also, neither body bags nor fluid containment bags are designed to be opened from the inside, for obvious reasons.

    And you’d stick a body IN one, not just lay it on like a sheet. In a mass casualty you may cover dead people in situ just so the looky lous and media perverts can’t get happy snaps of recogizable facial features or beat off to devastating injury porn, but a trauma blanket or disposable thermal blanket fills that purpose well until you are able to make more suitable travel arrangements.

    You could argue, I suppose, that the body bags are laid on TOP of these people for convenience and concealment until more substantial work is done. To which I would say, then why is the floor so remarkably clean and dry? Remember, these are folks that supposedly died from explosions and such, and severe trauma patients are remarkably leaky, plus a pint of blood in the body looks like a gallon on the floor.

    Sorry, I’ve seen dead people, handled dead people, been to the morgue and know people on the mortuary end of things.

    I call bullshit on this entire staged scene.

  11. Who knows what the hell the truth is? Between the media and government they have a combined trust rating that is in the toilet and they are both pushing one side of the story very hard. What I do know about this fiasco other than it ain’t my circus and those aren’t my monkeys is: I have no responsibility for it and have no obligation, moral or otherwise, to become involved in it.

  12. Growing up I bristled at the thought that as soon as we made a nuclear weapon, spies/double agents/traitors–(imo then) could hand the technology over to the Ruskies, our mortal enemies. How could anyone empower the evil Dark Side!

    Today, because of what we see, I consider it a blessing that someone much wiser KNEW that such power, to destroy the Human Race, should NOT lie totally in the hands of one side.

    For the last 25 years, I consider the US government mad with Sin. Greed, perversion, an easy willingness to lie, with no high morality. Wars to make money, no concern for Life.

    I watched many Utoobs last night of Putin speaking over the last 10 years, about trade, about NATO, about the slaughter of Christians in many countries, all topics he handled extemporaneously with EASE in questions from reporters and other national leaders. Topics that biden* and most US politicians can’t answer truthfully because either they are MORONS or because the truth is contrary to their personal thieving agendas. In one clip, Putin even thanked his history teachers for what he knew about World Wars. biden* can’t even tell you where he was born, or what he’s done WITHOUT LYING. And his incompetent elf Tony Blinken couldn’t microwave popcorn to save his own life.

    That Putin’s Russia possesses the ONLY deterrent to stand in the way of the Globalists’ genocide and world domination plans is an epic blessing. IMHO

  13. Hard to know what to believe from either side. Both sides propagandize their situation. What does believing any of it do for me? Nothing. Innocent people always get crapped on. Someone mentioned the jab and covid – what we’ve been through the past 2 years. Lies, deaths, coverups, ostracized, vilified, humiliated, those are the things I witnessed and experienced. No one was around to defend me but me. I stayed true to myself. If the war comes here, I’ll deal with it then. I can’t fix it.


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