Dr. Seuss Dissed On His Birthday – IOTW Report

Dr. Seuss Dissed On His Birthday

Associated Press

Six Dr. Seuss books — including “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” and “If I Ran the Zoo” — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery, the business that preserves and protects the author’s legacy said Tuesday.

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The Associated Press in a statement that coincided with the late author and illustrator’s birthday. More

Biden choose to exclude all mention of Dr. Seuss in his “Read Across America” proclamation. Here

45 Comments on Dr. Seuss Dissed On His Birthday

  1. “Third Party blah blah….”
    “We’ll primary them blah blah…”
    “We’ll retake the House blah blah…”

    Those are all good things, and necessary, but what is happening is something that we can’t vote ourselves out of.

  2. I discovered the problem:

    “Dr. Seuss Enterprises listened and took feedback from our audiences including teachers, academics and specialists in the field as part of our review process. We then worked with a panel of experts, including educators, to review our catalog of titles,” it said.

  3. New antenna channel called Circle TV. Playing classics like He-Haw, Lone Ranger………
    Last night Tonto said “Me go to train station.” I thought how are they letting this air, with all the other censoring. Probably won’t be long.
    How many times did Wile E Coyote fall of the cliff.
    All are in danger.

  4. The miserable joyless sterile gray world these vile people create and inhabit! And somehow they’ve arrogated to themselves the power to actually coerce normal people to go along! How did they do that and why are normal people going along at all? Trump had the right answer, Limbaugh had it, we all have it if we just use it. A very cheerful GFY when they come up with the next awful thing! Just Smiling and GFY! GFY and cheers! GFY and the horse you rode in on and a big belly laugh!

  5. “And I learned there are troubles
    Of more than one kind
    Some come from ahead
    And some come from behind.”
    -Dr. Seuss

    …and some come from WAY up their own ass just to inflict their OWN unhappiness on the world, guess they never got anything read to THEM but their rights.

  6. There’s a statue dedicated to him across the boarder from me in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts…at least I think it’s still there.

    I’m just glad I grew up (old) watching Amos and Andy and other shows that are now considered racist. The actors were great and FUNNY! The Three Stooges didn’t exactly portray White males in the best light but no one was offended by them. Guess it’s okay to ridicule White males.

    I’m really beginning to go from hating the Commie/dem Leftest to despising them.

  7. They went after Huckleberry Finn.
    Then, Half Pint and Little House in the Prairie.
    Now, Dr. Seuss.
    Next, Charlie Brown. Regnery Publishing has two kid imprints and Little Patriot Press publishes new Charlie Brown books. Wait till the Left finds that out!

  8. Poso on his Twitter feed today posted a pic of Big Mike reading DR. SUESS to all these kiddos WITH DR. SUESS hats on WITH DR. SUESS himself nearby!

    Brown Eyed Girl is right. Get these soon-to-be-collector items while you can. Cash in BIGLY later.

    “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”
    “If I Ran the Zoo”
    “McElligot’s Pool”
    “On Beyond Zebra!”
    “Scrambled Eggs Super!”
    “The Cat’s Quizzer.”

  9. I checked to see if my ancient childhood copies of these classics were in the ‘kid closet’ of toys and books to entertain the visiting kiddos. No, but my Uncle Remus Stories is still there, along with a few other gems my grandmother gave me.

    But there is good news in all this –for small and second hand bookstores. The value of Dr. Seuss books has gone up more than Game Stop stock today!

  10. These banned Dr. Suess books are currently selling for over one hundred dollars on Ebay. The market rules despite socialist cancel culture boot stomp.

  11. New Titles

    And To Think I Freaked Out About “Mulberry Street”
    Oh, The Things You Won’t See
    How The Woke Stole Reason
    Horton Sees A Noose
    Thidwick,The Thin Skinned C#nt

  12. Wonder why they didn’t ban “The Grinch Stole Christmas” 🤔 better yet they could have written the new PC version of “The Grinch Stole The Election.” 😁

  13. I don’t about know about yoos but it seem to me that with the left banning Dr. Seuss they should be found guilty of child abuse. The left might as well take a gun to kill all of us who grew up on Dr. Seuss because they have taken away all of our remembered fun and now he has become no one in a memory hole so they can control everyone who was ever a kid with this ridiculous bid, God forbid so no more fun anymore for everyone because they hate innocent childhood and are up to no good with this nogoodnik attempt to make children sick because they can’t think for themselves without the help of fairies and elves to tell them glorious stories of made up glories to help kids be kids. Oh I wish for a giant squid, a Kraken who can’t be mistaken to squash them like a bug and end this fug of our children and leave them bewildering to not abuse the memory of Dr. Seuss. May Dr. Seuss always be with us and for the left to give up and without a fuss quit always being such a pain in the uss. I have nothing else left to say but I wish the left would go away and never come back to take our childhood away.

  14. TG I own “On Beyond Zebra”, “And To Think That I Saw it On Mulberry Street”, and “Scrambled Eggs Super”.

    I think I’ll put them in my safe.

  15. I think I just gave away the Cats Quizzer a couple weeks ago because we were sick of reading it to my kids who think it’s the funniest book ever. I’m guessing my whole family is smarter than the Zozzfozzles who made the decision to stop printing it. I cannot for the life of me figure out what was racist in it. It was incredibly clever

  16. kids love these books, it’s so silly. I just hope dr seuss doesn’t kill the app versions of the book because my kids will be unhappy. Adults are looking at this stuff so literally, it pretend and kids know that, in that zoo book my kids think the only people are the kids the rest is in the children’s imagination.

    But it’s fine whitewash history, let not acknowledge how things were, or how perspectives were back then or how things have changed. Let not try to understand how books written in the 1930’s were written in a different world, not one where the author intended to be offensive but one in which people were not exposed to other cultures and people, one where a chinese meal was a cultural experience many had not experienced.

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