Drag Queen Allegedly Flashes His Crotch to Children During Library Story Time – IOTW Report

Drag Queen Allegedly Flashes His Crotch to Children During Library Story Time

I’m going to use the word “allegedly” in my post title because the original source is posting what they say is a blurred image of the incident.

We can’t corroborate the evidence. But if the un-blurred image depicts what they say it depicts, the people responsible for setting up these “story times” should be removed from these positions. They are contributing to the trauma of minors, all to smugly preen that they are “woke.’

No, you are morally BROKE.


 h/t I’d suggest tranquillizer darts

24 Comments on Drag Queen Allegedly Flashes His Crotch to Children During Library Story Time

  1. Time for parents, and anyone else who cares about what’s right, to come after these pervs and any official involved with Louisville Sluggers, pitchforks, and pine tar while cops with kids turn a blind eye!!

  2. We are watching a collective meltdown of 50% of culture in front of our very honest eyes.

    I consider myself quite a reasonable person, most are here, but THIS is more than UNreasonable!

  3. The kind of parents who take their kids to these things aren’t going to care. A book store in my state was advertising a drag queen hour on FB and although most were outraged, many parents couldn’t wait to take their kids.

  4. If any of you have FB go to their FB post on this and read some of the idiots defending it.
    One of the worst is a woman who claims to be a Grandmother, yet she was born in 1987, so a teen mother who raised a teen mother or father. She also never outgrew the goth stage.

  5. If had been there I would have called the police.

    Why did no one do so???
    Actually, why did none of the parents beat the shit out of the tranny when they realized what he was doing?


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