Drama much? Hillary Clinton’s pastor compared election loss to crucifixion and cancer – IOTW Report

Drama much? Hillary Clinton’s pastor compared election loss to crucifixion and cancer

NTK: In an email to Hillary Clinton the morning after she lost to Donald Trump, Clinton’s pastor compared the loss to Jesus’ death on the cross. CNN published the email on Friday morning.

Here’s an excerpt of the email CNN published, emphasis ours:

For the disciples and Christ’s followers in the first century, Good Friday represented the day that everything fell apart. All was lost. The momentum and hope of a man claiming to be the Son of God, the Messiah who was supposed to change everything, had been executed.

Today, you are experiencing a Friday. Your Friday is what happened in the last few weeks and last night in the tragic loss. But Sunday is coming!

While the pastor was talking about Fridays as a metaphor for the trials and tribulations of human beings, comparing an election loss to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ would strike some as extreme.  more here

27 Comments on Drama much? Hillary Clinton’s pastor compared election loss to crucifixion and cancer

  1. No Bo, he must have been expecting an evening with one of homo Podestas little boys from his rape stable. He probably gets to choose walnut sauce or yummy pizza…

    These homo pedophile religious gangsters need to be electrocuted. There is nothing worse than a homo predator cloaked in the costume of a religious person.

  2. That’s not extreme. It’s insane. Perhaps ‘pastor’ needs to experience cancer to know first-hand what it feels like. Better yet he can visit Saudi where they still crucify Christians.

  3. Pray with me bruthas and sistahs…
    Hillary is my shepherd; I shall not want. She maketh me to lie down with Chelsea Manning. She leadeth me toward still voting booths. She restoreth my welfare. She leadeth me down the path of voter fraud and corruption for her name’ sake. 
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Nancy Pelosi, I will fear no evil, for thy Occupy Squatters art with me.
 Thy propaganda comforts me. Thou annointest my head with bullshit. 
Forgive us for our emissions, lead us not into prosperity and deliver us from climate denial. Surely more entitlement programs and government intervention shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the Democratic Peoples Republic forever and ever.
    Putcher hand on the Internet and say Amen!

  4. As a pastor I can not even imagine how losing an election can be compared to any aspect of Christ’s birth, life, ministry, death, or resurrection without becoming just a tad blasphemous in one’s approach to such an analogy.

    God will not be mocked and even those who call themselves “pastors” or who are sanctioned by the luke-warm church of the 21st century will be spit out of God’s mouth.

  5. She’s so disgusting! Millions of people more worthy to have a pulpit to speak from, and this POS gets the mic. If Hillary were a decent person (which she isn’t) she would have told that pastor to quit saying shit like that because anyone can find it reprehensible.

  6. Hellary and her agent of satan “pastor” are destine for Hell. They are completely unrepentant. The True and Living God considers blasphemy a serious offense – Luke 12:10.
    In other words, Hellary and her pet preacher troll are toast.

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