Drama Queen Bill Gates: I Canceled (most of) My Holiday Plans Due to the Omicron Variant – IOTW Report

Drama Queen Bill Gates: I Canceled (most of) My Holiday Plans Due to the Omicron Variant


Billionaire Bill Gates announced on Twitter he is canceling most of his holiday plans because people he knows have been infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and “we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic.”

Gates continued by saying “Omicron is spreading faster than any virus in history” and will soon be found in every country. He further called for wearing masks more and “avoiding big indoor gatherings.” more

33 Comments on Drama Queen Bill Gates: I Canceled (most of) My Holiday Plans Due to the Omicron Variant

  1. Drama Queen Bill Gates: I Canceled (most of) My Holiday Plans Due to the Omicron Variant

    LIAR! I believe your family cancelled you. They saw what a murderous demon you are, they want no part of you. Ghislane is getting ready to let her lips speak.

  2. We’ve not cancelled our Christmas festivities, but they have been curtailed.

    Continuing higher prices from gasoline, food, essentials like medicine, medical supplies and of course presents for our children and grandchildren.

    Biden’s inflationary policies has negatively affected every part of our lives.

    Gates is not affected as we middle Americans.
    I have no compassion or understanding for his FEAR of the common cold or flu.

    I’d tell him to grow a pair, but I’m sure his wife got those as part as the divorce proceedings.

  3. You mean to tell me Gates’ mansion, with all its wizbang gadgetry, doesn’t have the latest HEPA filtration system installed. He’s projecting to maintain his spot at the elites table.

  4. Boo Hoo BILLY I thought you’re Jonestown Juice Jab 🥤 was the only way we could hang with friends and family members during any gathering.

    Just like any other virus a different strain always shows up.

    Nobody cares how you are going to celebrate with your family. Why don’t you talk to the folks who have disabled or lost family members due to your negligence whether it was the lockdown, 😷 mask muzzles or the Jonestown Juice Jab how they’re going to celebrate Christmas.

  5. So Bill the Pirate (his theft of DOS) has transmogrified into Drama Queen Bill. How fitting.

  6. What a lying sack of monkey shit.
    He has no more clue of Virology than Fauxi.
    They are both egotistical lying assholes who should be joined at the hip once they enter Hell.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Lord what a fucking useless virtue signaler.

    Bill no one gives a shit about you or your bullshit cancel plans. FOAD Why do you think you’re even relevant? Because you’re rich? Fucking Epstein perv.


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