Drawings Leads To 13 Year-Old’s Suspension From School – IOTW Report

Drawings Leads To 13 Year-Old’s Suspension From School

They suspended him for 2 days, to “send a message.” The message is – the 1st amendment is dead.


A 13-year-old boy in North Carolina was reportedly suspended after he drew a picture of stick figures holding guns and knives.

Roseboro Salemburg Middle School in Sampson County suspended the unidentified seventh-grader for two days over the doodle, which portrayed one stick figure holding what appeared to be a rifle and another carrying two large knives.

James Herring, the boy’s father, was surprised his son was suspended for “just expressing himself.”

“I see a guy in a race car souped-up. I see a tower that he built. I see him holding his gun; he’s a deer hunter. I see him with a magician and I see him as a Ninja Turtle … nothing violent,” Herring told WRAL.



14 Comments on Drawings Leads To 13 Year-Old’s Suspension From School

  1. School boards, people, school boards. Get yourselves on your local board. When it comes to hiring the school attorney, interview him as if you were doing a colonoscope. Same with the hiring of the super, or when/if renewing his contract.

  2. Well, sheet. All four of my older brothers would’ve been kicked out of school so many times if this kind of crud was going on back in the late nineties.

  3. Since I was notorious for doodling pictures of planes and tanks and soldiers etc. back in the mid 60’s (this was the era of Combat on TV, movies like The Great Escape etc.) I would be in big trouble now with the skrool authorities just because now for expressing myself. It was also the era of Rat Finks, cool cars etc. and I used to draw a lot of those as well. A kid and especially boys can’t have fun anymore without being labeled as disruptive or worse, personally I like the way it was back then because for the most part they left me alone, now I’d be in deep doo doo. A wild imagination (and being able to read and spell better than 95% or better of the other students) is a terrible thing to waste on all the garbage they teach now, poor kids, it’s no wonder they’re so screwed up. It was also pre Vietnam or the early stages of that war before the left screwed the country up in 1968 after the Tet Offensive.

  4. I once made an A-10 Warthog (lived near the factory that built them) paper airplane in eight grade and launched it during lunch. It hit a teacher and I was suspended for 1 day.

    If I would have drawn a gun they would have had me join the JROTC!

  5. About 12 or so years ago one of my boys classes had an assignment to write an essay about a career they may like and to illustrate it. He wrote about a military career and drew a soldier holding a gun. The high school, yes, high school called me, the cops the school counselors and held him in a room with the cop until I arrived. I asked what they expected him to draw, a soldier holding a daisy? I took him and left.
    I know I say it all the time but this crap has been going on for many, many years. It’s getting more common and people are speaking up more.

  6. Little known fact, in 1972 I was sent home from my freshman year in high school and told to come back when I decided to “conform”, meaning get a haircut and dress in slacks not jeans. I never went back. They bored me and I didn’t like sitting still in class for uninspiring teachers. I learned more on my own, in my way. The truant officer showed up a couple months later and said even though I was too young to dropout, they wouldn’t proffer charges as I was a non-desirable and they were concerned about the influence I might have on the other students. Most people thought I was a college radical, but all I wanted to do was be a rock star. I earned fairly steady money for albums and “other” things in pursuit of that daydream but, I got a job at a roof bolt factory in spring 1973 earning $5.00 an hour and eventually gave up playing in favor of listening.

  7. Lucky to have received any secondary education at all as I was a bit of a problem for authorities. Also had some of “Bongo’s” experience regarding my leaving the seminary and starting my life long fast of giving up organized religion. They wanted me to attend their religious instruction and I made the instructors life a living hell (knew more about his “religion” than he did). We came to an agreement that if I stopped attending he would mark me present so the they wouldn’t send out the “fishers” to see why I missed the classes/instructions. The sixties…


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