Dreaded Locks – IOTW Report

Dreaded Locks

HT/ Petrus

This video seems staged, but it serves the purpose of being able to talk about what is going on in this video.

This idea of cultural appropriation is ridiculous.

The male is American. The female is American. That is all that matters. If she insists on maintaining she is African I’d have to ask her why she is appropriating my culture by speaking English.

Okay, stupid? Got it now? STFU.


20 Comments on Dreaded Locks

  1. Being cool (like everybody else), is so difficult when you are a wimpy privileged white guy.

    Yo Dude, like wash your hair, get a haircut and start using English in an intelligent, coherent fashion.

    On another note, bitch why do you care how others wear their hair?
    NHM — negro hair matters?

    Ignorance/stupidity has no ethnic boundary.

  2. Why is she “appropriating my culture” by bathing? Okay, nix that. Maybe she isn’t.

    But why is she appropriating it by flattening her Brillo? Wearing more than a loincloth? Wandering a campus?

  3. I find it hard to work up any sympathy for anyone, white OR black, who gets all butthurt because somebody makes fun of their dreadlocks. You wear ’em, you take the heat for looking stupid. IMHO, that is…


  4. Classic liberalism. They’re eating their own because there always has to be a boogeyman to push against. Every time they feel they’ve conquered one enemy a new scapegoat has to be picked.Thus the purges never end & the angry mob can always be kept incited by and endless cry of injustice. This is no different than stalins show trials or Goldstein from 1984. Frightening how textbook they are.

  5. But. . . but. . . but. . . I thought Libtards were supposed to be so TOLERANT of everyone and everything. Can’t we all just sing “kumbaya” around the campfire and get along?

  6. Dear Black Folk,
    A lot of good men died to give you your freedom. I expect better from you.
    Stupid Black Lady,
    Instead of bitching out some white guy for his hair, why ain’t you out stopping black males’ irresponsible behavior that leads to your entire race’s inferiority complex?

  7. Prove that ‘dreadlocks’ are from black culture. They could very well be from the Celtic region for all anyone knows.

    I’m thinking that Druids and such folks, could have developed that hair style and maybe blacks stole it from them.

  8. The Obama women wear their hair straightened. They want to be like us white women with straight soft hair. Maybe we should clue the Obama women in that it’s not right to wear their kinky hair straightened.

    /just saying

  9. Being either physically, mentally, or financially incapable of owning and operating a comb or brush is a disability that crosses all ethnic lines.
    In the past groups of these people would spend time with their own picking the lice (nits) out of each others hair lest the constant biting drive them mad as displayed by the woman in the video.

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