DREAMers tell of going ballot-harvesting in California to flip the House blue – IOTW Report

DREAMers tell of going ballot-harvesting in California to flip the House blue

American Thinker:

It was one of those tug-on-the-heartstrings, tear-jerking, carefully curated narratives about DREAMers we’re supposed to read and respond to with sympathy.

But a story that ran in the Los Angeles Times yesterday accidentally did more to raise questions about the issue of ballot-harvesting in California than any raving right-wing tome could ever do.

The Times describes how California’s famed ballot-harvesters, who flipped places such as Orange County blue by “helping” fill out, turn in, and continue to turn in ballots from otherwise uncommitted voters until they got the result they wanted, aren’t actually U.S. citizens.  Here are the DREAMers in action, “helping” the voters to vote the way they wanted:

In California, Dreamers like Cruz phoned voters, walked precincts and protested outside Republican lawmakers’ offices, reaching people who had not been called or visited by either party. Their efforts helped boost turnout among Latinos in this year’s midterm election – 29 million nationwide were eligible to vote, according to the Pew Research Center – which is projected to surpass levels higher than in past presidential election years, political analysts said.

An analysis of data from eight states by the Latino Policy and Politics Initiative at UCLA found the Latino vote grew by an estimated 96% from 2014 to 2018, compared with 37% among non-Latinos.  The surge, researchers said, helped move 20 House districts held by Republicans to Democratic control in California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Florida, New Jersey and New York.

Here’s how they actually did it:

Half an hour later, she was helping Silva look up candidates as he filled out his ballot by the light of her phone.  “I’m glad you guys came,” he said.  “I was going to leave it in my drawer.”

The story doesn’t say what the DREAMer/ballot-harvester would do if the voter decided to vote some other way from the way she wanted him to fill his ballot out.  The incurious reporter omitted the obvious question from that heart-tugging scene: Did this foreigner tell the indifferent man how to fill out his ballot?  Let’s just say the reporter showed a strong interest, based on the rest of her reportage, in protecting the foreigner from any accusation of illegal voting.

But only a fool would think she didn’t tell the indifferent man whom to vote for, effectively voting by proxy.  MORE

8 Comments on DREAMers tell of going ballot-harvesting in California to flip the House blue

  1. I think there is much more nefarious ballot harvesting than that.

    Case in point, an elder gentleman that I’ve known for over 10 years and know to be conservative had a health setback resulting in surgery and a prolonged stay in a nursing home. I used to visit him there. He told me that a nice lady helped him vote. The man was heavily medicated and she got him to vote for Hillary.

    I suspect this is a massive operation on the confused. I don’t know how to combat it either.

  2. With the dems in control of congress nothing will ever be done about voter fraud or sanctuary cities, unless Trump issues an EO or the DOJ finally wakes up and does it’s damn job.

  3. How about truck loads of poll watcher/judges rolling around armed with AR-15’s carefully monioring/targeting the deREAMers out there. Judge of the election would have to be somebody like Bad_Brad or .45-.70

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUEqh07E4dY

    A well known problem for decades. But the UNIPARTY ecnourages it! When the liberal/progressive wing took over the Cal GOP 28 years ago it surged. UNIPARTY folk lie abut being against it; their deeds , for 29 years, have supported and enhanced it. We buried 2 of these liars recently; but there are many more ready to join the fight.

    2 years ago I thought Don would do something, other than talk. But he has not done a thing! Sad.

    Check out Cook County 11/60 for some serious harvesting.


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