Dress Your Age! – IOTW Report

Dress Your Age!

Gavin McInnes; Stop Dressing like a Teenager Dress your Damned age People!!!

40 Comments on Dress Your Age!

  1. Recently lost a friend from long ago and had occasion to dwell in the past. I found old photos and news clippings from my “rock star” days in the early 70s in a box my late mother had, except for giving up the groupies, hair loss and weight gain, I’m the same dude… Wranglers, Hanes and Bellville Boots.
    I’m a simple man with uncomplicated taste.
    I will say, the older I get, the smarter my father was.

  2. I spent my time with dress shirts, ties, suits, cashmere overcoats and florsheim imperials.
    Now, I dress for comfort, not style.
    Blue jeans, T-shirts, red wings and the same leather belt since 1972. Button down shirts, blue jeans and slip on shoes if I must.

    I don’t care what others may think, I don’t dress for success or to impress.

  3. I am in my mid 70’s, how should I dress?? I like my skinny jeans. If I dressed like my mother did, I would be wearing a “house dress” and an apron. That is not going to happen, EVER!!!! Deal with it kids.

  4. My 60+ man rocks a pony tail. Why? because he still has a lot of hair and can. The 40-90 year old women sure don’t seem to mind much.
    It also makes people think he is liberal for some reason. It’s called….ambush.

  5. And no high water pants or earth shoes, birkenstocks etc. especially with socks, or t shirts with wolves on them trying to save nature. I’m guilty of the high water pants when I was younger, earth shoes with negative heels that make me look like Mr. Natural out doing his strut (keep on truckin), never had birkenstocks but my wife did, she was more rebellious and more of a hippie than I was. And the t shirts with wolves on them don’t ask why I thought they were cool back in the day, my Dad hated them and said as much in no uncertain terms. As a complete aside after my wife died my kids took her ashes out to the Pacific Ocean at Westport, Wa. and spread them on the ocean and threw her birkenstocks into the Pacific as well after bungling her urn because my son couldn’t get it to open since her ashes were in a small box with a hinged lid on it that he couldn’t open until he got a screwdriver and opened it spilling the ashes all over. I wasn’t there but I hear it was hilarious, my wife would’ve loved it.

  6. My elegant wardrobe comes from Volunteers of America. Why should I spend $$$$$ on trendy nonsense? Lingerie from a few select online shops and shoes are running shoes or Merrill’s.
    @ Granny Flash, 62 and not giving up my 2 pair of skinny jeans either because they are comfortable and the mirror says it’s ok.

    Don’t like my sartorial splendor? Go look at a Kardashian instead.

  7. In prison, wearing your pants down to show off your butt is advertising as a homosexual prostitute. That’s right, it means you wanna be paid to be somebody’s bitch. Ask each punk you see dressed like that, “How much?”

  8. Pants with cargo pockets (for all my shit) Duluth Trading long sleeve button down shirts, and Altama desert boots. And I always wear a hat, because I live in the desert and I’m tired of having my bald scalp get sunburned. Yeah, I look like a desert rat because I am one.

  9. F4UCorsair

    LOL, I’ve called them 911 before too. Any easy mistake to make. I have several pair. But it’s 106 here today so Cargo Shorts and a muscle shirt. And of course the G 19.

  10. To all the older folks, please,be merciful! Just because you have legs doesn’t give you the right to wear shorts. Don’t subject the rest of us to seeing your wrinkly, sagging skin, covered with varicose veins and cellulite or swollen ankles and thigh fat hanging out. Especially at restaurants or swap meets! Kinda makes me lose my appetite. Being from AZ I’m subjected to this torture every winter season with all the snowbirds making their way down here…**gagging noises**.

  11. I always dress late to the party style, like I don’t really care what I wear. My clothes come from Haband, my shoes are sketchers, and my underwear keeps me dry.

    Couldn’t tell you a brand name much less care.

    I used to wear 3 piece suits with clerical collar in black and/or pastel colored shirts. Nevermore!

  12. Hans, me too pretty much. I don’t give a FF about name brands; I just want it to look nice and be comfortable. I buy a fair amount of clothing from secondhand stores except underwear, shoes, socks and jammies.

    I have a 14-year-old boy and let him wear pretty much what he wants with the solid exception that school clothes can’t be stretched out, filled-with-holes monstrosities. He’s heavy on adidas right now, not for the name–he loves the stripes.

  13. Flip Flops…No name Cargo Shorts…and a Gimme T-shirt…Usually with

    some sort of Powerboat Racing motif…Sans underwear since 1996 !

    I do have a Visor collection that would shame Freddy Couples.

    I haven’t worn long sleeve pants since 2013.

  14. Sorry Pbird…did I Offend? I asked nicely and so sorry for offering my opinion on the matter. I promise I shant do it again unless asked or without permission. But if you’ve seen the things(and stuff)I’ve seen, you would be on my side. And yeah, JOe6, I am a strikingly handsome devil and quite a physical specimen at my 55 years of age, if you must know. And, God willing, when I reach that point in my life I will definitely cover up my sagging parts and dress appropriately…just saying.

  15. Gavin does look like every other hipster goofus in Starbutt’s.

    Speaking of Starbutt’s, the one in the town closest to us closed due to lack of business. People prefer the Getgo gas station that opened across the street. Variety, great taste and 99 cents compared to $7.00 or so.

  16. I wear wife beaters and cargo shorts, because the average temp in the summer here is around 97, but “feels like” 110 because its humid as hell.
    If you don’t want to see my old man legs, don’t look.

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