Drink Up, Dems – IOTW Report

Drink Up, Dems

It’s so predictable, whenever there is a disaster caused by Democrats, they scramble for a way to put the blame on a Republican or a corporation.


Case in point, the Flint water crisis. The facts prove otherwise.



8 Comments on Drink Up, Dems

  1. Every iotw’er should have a stockpile of bottled water.
    The next terrorist attack could be a target on the nations water supplies and power grid.

    In fact, 0bama is busy releasing the big movers and shakers from Gitmo EVERY SINGLE DAY!
    I hope they target that bastard first.

  2. Fuckin slaves should drink their swill and quit whining about it.

    Thousands of feral negroes will clog up the nation’s arteries over some dead thug, but the Demonrats feed em poisoned water and all they can do is blame a Republicrat Governor who wasn’t even in office when the shit happened.

    Kinda explains why they stay on the Plantation …

  3. Exactly, Tim.

    If Gov Snyder had a D next to his name, the progs would be screaming at the Indiana or Wisconsin govs because they have R’s next to their names.

    BTW, Flint is a liberal shit-hole, run by democrats for the 30+ years. You reap what you sew.

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