“Drinking From the Toilet” May Not Be What AOC Thinks It Is – IOTW Report

“Drinking From the Toilet” May Not Be What AOC Thinks It Is

AOC’s outbursts about “women being told to drink out of the toilet” by guards at holding facilities might be a crock of doo doo.

She’s getting these stories from people who have self-serving needs to embellish their situation, especially to an unhinged ideologue dummy like AOC

31 Comments on “Drinking From the Toilet” May Not Be What AOC Thinks It Is

  1. If true then it’s because the water looks cleaner than what they usually drink back home.
    Little AOC was just being melodramatic in hopes of drawing angry crowds of protesters to the terrible imaginary injustice.
    It didn’t work asshole! Everyone including you voters back home are getting sick of your childish tantrums.

  2. So, let me see if I follow the bouncing ball.

    “Migrants” who have been coached by open borders advocates on what to say to gain entry, allegedly tell this dimwitted, gullible fool everything they know she wants to hear. And because she prefers being “morally right” than “factually correct,” this idiot regurgitates these tales of horror without a moment’s hesitation.

    And we’re supposed to believe her?

    No sale, chica.

  3. Anything spouted by AOC is a lie; it’s all she can do.
    She’s so stupid that I suspect her lineage has dodo bird genes.

    Hopefully she will not reproduce.

  4. The whole delegation was down there to establish the first yarn of the Dem narrative: Deplorable Death Camp Conditions. Simultaneously, and elsewhere, the second yarn of the Dem narrative was being formed: Racist Sexist Nazi Border Agents, as seen on social media. Dumbass Sandy thought it would be a good idea to combine the two yarns and make it all about her, thereby trivializing and embarrassing the delegation. That’s a real live one you have there, Pelosi. She needs to get out more often.

  5. So if it’s so bad here in the USA why would they be coming here by the millions? I don’t see her doing public service announcements in their home country’s telling them not to come to this terrible place?

  6. I didn’t realize that they had bidets for the migrant invaders.

    the debut of the ‘stainless new deal’

    california will mandate plumbing fixtures like that is the near future. They will have to use water drained from the sink to flush the toilet.

  7. She was given a chance to visit the detention facilities, tour them and speak to people in them and she chose not to and now must rely on unproven statements from people with a hidden agenda. That’s how you answer AOC every one of AOC’s tweets on the subject now.

  8. @toby miles July 2, 2019 at 10:11 am

    > They will have to use water drained from the sink to flush the toilet.

    How can you flush, if nobody washes their hands?

  9. A friend’s wife, in America for the first time coming from South America, asked for some water. She was shocked when her host gave her tap water. She never knew you could get clean water right from your plumbing fixtures and not from a bottle.


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