Drive Her Out Of Town – IOTW Report

Drive Her Out Of Town


26 Comments on Drive Her Out Of Town

  1. Love it!

    I sprained my ankle awful this weekend and won’t be able to make it to the polls tomorrow. I am so soo sooo sad. You all go out there and kick her a** for me, please!

  2. @Ironcurtain…no offense taken. I would have made the same brag last week 😉

    I’m still in the camp that we’ll win in a landslide, I just wanted to be a part of the wrecking ball taking her down.

  3. Aggie, don’t let an ankle injury stop you.
    Your ankle will be sprained for am few weeks, Hilly will be the last President if she wins, and our torment will last for years.
    Reach out and get help.
    If you are in Northern AZ tell BFH to give you my e-mail and I will drive you myself.

  4. @Aggie — We need you!! We need you bad!! Please call your election board people and see what can be done, because that’s how much we all need your vote. And call your local GOP, too. They’ll have Trump volunteers who can help you. They’ll be set up just for these sorts of problems.

  5. @Aggie, have somebody pick up an absentee ballot from your county clerk. We need the biggest landslide in history to overcome the most massive amount of democrat voter corruption in history. The ankle qualifies you.

    Then there’s wheelchair rentals …

  6. If you’re in southeast Louisiana, I’ll give you a ride. I’ll take time off from work. Hell, I’ll even take my fishin’ poles out of the cab of my pickup truck to make room for you.

  7. My goodness, everyone is so helpful. I didn’t mean to make this thread about my one vote, sorry. I think she is going to get demolished by the Monster vote, and like Vietvet recognized, I know you all will be part of the destruction I want to be part of too.

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